Zelenskyy urges US Congress to help

by time news

Washington: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Selensky has called on the United States to provide more military assistance in the wake of the Russian aggression. Selensky made the request while addressing the US Congress online.

Selensky called on Congress to tighten sanctions against Russia and withdraw American businesses from Russia.

“Russia has not only attacked us, it has destroyed not only our country or our cities. It has unleashed a vicious attack on our values, on our right to live freely in our own country, on our own dreams. Against the same dreams that the American people hold on to,” Selensky said.

Selensky also presented a graphic video of the Russian invasion 21 days after the war in front of the Congress. Selensky likened the Russian attacks to the Pearl Harbor attack and the World Trade Center attack, and called on the United States for more aid.

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