Zemmour will announce the candidacy with his own party

by time news

Time.news – The French journalist Eric Zemmour will announce his candidacy for the Elysée with one of his parties on 11 November.

The radio broadcaster reported it in preview Europe 1.

Zemmour is expected to bring together the regional and departmental leaders of the Friends of Zemmour association at the end of the month to choose the name of the political group. At the moment the most accredited name is The voice of the people.

Waiting for the official announcement of your candidacy at presidential elections of April 2022, reports the issuer Bfmtv, last night a hundred supporters of Zemmour gathered at the headquarters of the ‘quasi-candidate’, in 10 Jean Goujon Street, in the VIII arrondissement.

“For a long time I imagined a candidate who represented my ideas. Today it becomes possible that I am the one when I see the support you are giving me, ”said the well-known essayist. During the evening some possible posters were presented for his campaign with the slogans ‘Zemmour Président’ and ‘Z 2022’.

Projecting towards one official candidacy, which will presumably be formalized on November 11 with one of his parties, Zemmour warned that “the blows against me and my supporters will get stronger, We will have to be strong collectively to go through with it.”

According to the latest polls, it could also go to the ballot with the outgoing president Emmanuel Macron or get to third place, very close to Marine Le Pen.


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