10 tricks to eliminate flies from humidity in your home

by time news

2024-01-26 19:00:43

To eliminate humidity flies, you can implement some home remedies. In addition, it is necessary to identify the exact site of the breeding site.

Last update: January 26, 2024

The humid areas of your home require special care, since they meet the necessary conditions for the reproduction of some pests and insects. Between these, one of the most annoying are humidity flies, They usually settle in places like the bathroom and kitchen. Do you know how to recognize them?

Of the family Psycodidae, They are small insects of around two millimeters, whose wings at rest resemble the shape of a heart. Its body is covered with numerous silks that give it a hairy appearance; and although most are gray, they can also be white, brown or black.

There are those who know them as moths, drain flies or bathroom flies. They are usually harmless to humans, but they can carry fungi and bacteria that affect plants and gardens. Its presence, among other things, indicates a humidity problem in the home. How to eliminate them? Write down these 10 tricks.

1. Attack breeding areas

The main measure to eliminate humidity flies is to attack their breeding areas. You should keep in mind that they are insects that reproduce very easily in environments where there is wastewater, such as sink and bathroom drains.

Since they lay up to 200 eggs at a time, They can become a pest in just a few days. And since most are hidden in drains and drains, the biggest problem is not always visible to the naked eye.

For this reason, when they begin to appear on tiles, bathtubs or sinks, the first step is to thoroughly clean the pipes to directly attack the breeding ground. To do this, it is advisable to pour boiling water down the drain (one or two liters), two or three times a week.

You can complete the cleaning with a scouring pad or brush to help remove residues of organic matter that may be accumulated in these areas and they are the food of these flies. Along the way, check the pipes to rule out stagnant water or any damage to the drainage system.

2. Install drain plugs

These flying insects usually enter the home through siphons and sinks; Therefore, another action to eliminate them is Install drain plugs in the shower, sinks, toilets and other possible access points.

These plugs are available in various sizes and materials. They typically have a conical shape that fits well into drains. We recommend silicone ones, as they are easy to clean and ensure an airtight seal.

3. Clean the surroundings of the affected areas

After attacking the breeding areas of humidity flies, it is time to clean and disinfect the surroundings of the affected areas. Make sure you wash tiles, bathtubs, the edges of sanitary fixtures, sinks and other areas well. which tend to concentrate humidity.

The cleaner these spaces are, the less likely these flies are to reproduce. You can use a commercial cleaner or natural products such as white vinegar.

4. Steams with white vinegar

A simple trick to eliminate those humidity flies that have already settled in the home is steaming with white vinegar. The strong smell of this product scares away insects, while the vapors slow down their movements. To prepare this homemade trick, you must have the following:


  • 4 cups of water (1 liter).
  • 1 cup of white vinegar (250 milliliters).


  • Boil the cups of water with the white vinegar.
  • When it comes to a boil—and with great care—take the pot or casserole to the places where the humidity flies settle.
  • Let the vapors escape through the area.
  • Repeat the procedure until the flies completely leave the spaces in your house.

5. White vinegar with detergent and sugar

Another method to get rid of this pest in the home is to combine white vinegar with detergent and sugar. The sweet will attract the flies and the vinegar with detergent will exterminate them.


  • 1 glass of water (200 milliliters).
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar (15 grams).
  • 3 tablespoons of white vinegar (45 milliliters).
  • 1 tablespoon of liquid detergent (10 milliliters).


  • Take a container – preferably with a wide mouth – and add the water, vinegar, detergent and sugar.
  • Mix well and place the preparation near the areas infested by flies.
  • After a few hours you will be able to notice the insects drowned in the liquid.

6. Bottle Trap

One of the most popular tricks to eliminate humidity flies at home is a trap made with a bottle or vase and a sweet food. The latter attracts insects, which then become trapped in the bottle without being able to get out.


  • 1 sweet food, such as fruit, juice or soda.



  • Add the chosen food to the bottle or vase.
  • Next, make a funnel with the magazine paper to cover the container. Fix it with adhesive to prevent it from falling.
  • The tip of the funnel should point downwards, but without touching the food.
  • Place the trap in a place close to the flies. The candy will attract them, they will enter the container and will not be able to get out.

7. Aromatic plants

The aromas given off by some plants are annoying for flies. If you want to keep these insects out of your home, You can use species such as mint, lemongrass, basil, lemon balm, eucalyptus or rosemary.

If possible, place pots with these plants in susceptible areas, such as the kitchen or bathroom. Another option is to place fresh or dried branches in a vase.

8. Reflective water bags

The trick of the reflective water bag is still valid when it comes to scaring away all types of flies in the home. According to popular belief, the light reflected by the water creates an effect that bothers the eyes of these insects, which allows them to be kept away from the house.


  • Rope.
  • Coins (optional).
  • 1 x transparent plastic bag.
  • Water (as much as needed to fill the bag).


  • Fill the bag with enough water, seal it well and tie it with string to hang it on ceilings or door frame. It is said that if you put coins in it, it is more effective.

9. Lemon and clove air freshener

The lemon and clove air freshener is ideal for giving a pleasant aroma to different spaces in your home. Incidentally, it serves as a repellent against these flies.


  • Cloves.
  • 1 large lemon.


  • Cut the lemon in half and add several cloves.
  • Then, put them on tables, perks, near sinks or on shelves.

10. Trap with milk, sugar and pepper

Another ecological alternative to insecticides is to combine milk, sugar and pepper. If flies have already invaded some spaces in your house, You can put several containers with this preparation to catch them.


  • 2 cups of milk (500 milliliters).
  • 4 tablespoons of sugar (60 grams).
  • 2 teaspoons of pepper (10 grams).


  • Heat the milk and add the sugar and pepper. Leave it on low heat for 10 minutes and stir constantly so that everything is well integrated.
  • After this time, distribute the preparation into several small plates and place them on the areas affected by the flies.

Frequently asked questions about damp flies

These small flying insects emerge from drains, sinkholes and humidity due to condensation.

1. Are damp flies harmful?

Moisture flies They do not sting and are usually harmless to most people. Despite this, it is recommended to control their reproduction at home, as they can carry fungi and bacteria.

These can affect the condition of the plants in orchards and gardens. In addition, they can contaminate food if they come into contact with it.

2. Why do damp flies appear?

Moisture flies reproduce and thrive in damp and dirty places, especially with organic waste that serves as food. Its presence is favored when hygiene is neglected or if the areas have been left untouched for a long time.

Its reproduction is also common in areas with stagnant or leaking water. Therefore, to eliminate them completely, it is necessary to correct the humidity problems in the house.

3. Where are drain flies naturally found?

Although household pipes and drains are some of the favorite areas of these insects, they are not the only places where they are found. They also breed in humid forest areas, swamps, sewage treatment plants, clogged gutters and flower pots with stagnant water.

4. How long do humidity flies live?

It is estimated that these flying insects live up to three weeks. Additionally, new eggs hatch approximately every 48 hours. Therefore, it is a pest that reproduces quickly.

5. Are there effective insecticides against these flies?

Some commercial insecticides can eliminate adult damp flies; However, it is a temporary solution, since It is necessary to attack the breeding site to completely get rid of them. In any case, the insecticide should not be poured down the drain.

6. How to avoid an infestation of humidity flies?

Correct cleaning of the rooms in the home is essential to avoid the presence of humidity flies. This becomes more relevant in wet areas, such as bathrooms or kitchens. Likewise, it is advisable to clean the pipes regularly with boiling water and a brush.

What should you remember?

The presence of damp flies in the home is uncomfortable and It gives an unhygienic appearance to the spaces. In addition, it is an indication of dirt in the pipes or humidity problems in the house. Since they reproduce easily and in large numbers, it is necessary to intervene as soon as possible.

To do this, it is advisable to rule out possible breakdowns or sources of stagnant water. In addition, different home remedies and traps can be used to eliminate or scare them away. If this is not enough, be sure to contact a pest control company.

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