12 Skills Habits of Wisdom that should be cultivated for children – Thaihealth.or.th

by time news

Source: Book 10 Checklist Raising Children to be “Happy” Primary Edition

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Skills Habits of Wisdom or Mega Skills originated in the United States for the first time. It is a project that collects ideas and activities to develop children. To be a lover of learning, love for development, love to live together, think well, speak well, do good. The brain is fully developed from the 6 senses: eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind.

The activity of skill habits of wisdom An experiment by parents and children found that the children had many changes for the better, such as improved attitudes and abilities at school. better grades Families communicate with each other, be considerate and understand each other better. and have more friends

Skills, Habits of Wisdom Let’s see

1. The skill of confidence in one’s own abilities.

Give opportunities, give spaces, make children proud of their accomplishments.

2. Motivation skills

Let the children discover their own interests. lead to a desire to learn

3. The skill of hard work

Encourage children to practice not quitting before success

4. Responsibility skills

Let the children learn their duties.

5. Skills and readiness to take action

Make the children ready and dare to take action.

6. Perseverance skill

Let the children be diligent, try, practice and not give up halfway.

7. Generosity Skills

Allowing children to communicate with friends and family in a supportive and happy way

8. Group work skills

Let children learn to accept, communicate, cooperate with others.

9. Common Sense Skills

Let children learn to make the right decisions. dare to deny what is wrong

10. Creative problem solving skills

Let the children see the problem Analyze and come up with solutions with new ideas.

11. Purposeful work skills

Let the children know how to set goals, plan, and act until they reach the goal.

12. Respect Skills self-respect and others

Let children learn to accept differences, understand, appreciate and respect others equally.

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