16 Years On, The Search For Missing Boy Madeleine McCann Has Been Done Again

by time news

2023-05-24 03:10:57


16 years later, the search for Madeleine McCaan has resumed in Portugal’s reservoirs. Photo/Collage/Sindonews

LISBON – The police are again conducting a search for Madeleine McCann who disappeared 16 years ago. The police came to the edge of the reservoir at Portugal in a long-term investigation into the disappearance of Madeleine McCann.

Madeleine McCann went missing while on vacation with her parents, sparking an international search to find her including an earlier search of the Barragem do Arade reservoir in the Algarve, Portugal, although no conclusive evidence or human remains have ever been found.

The dam is 50 km from where the toddler from England disappeared in Praia da Luz in 2007.

The operation was led by German police to find evidence linking the boy’s disappearance to Christian Brueckner.

The 45-year-old German national was made an official suspect, or “arguido”, by Portuguese prosecutors in 2022. Brueckner is known to have visited the picturesque place around the time Madeleine disappeared.

Speaking to Germany’s regional public broadcaster NDR, German state prosecutor Hans Christian Wolters said authorities had reason to believe they could find evidence in the reservoir.

In a separate statement to German TV channel RTL, Wolters said he could not provide concrete information about the clues underlying the search operation.

“It wasn’t a tip coming from the defendant but you can imagine that we didn’t start looking somewhere in Portugal if the opportunity arose but there must have been good reasons for that,” he said.

“We do have it, but I ask for your understanding that I cannot disclose it here at this time for tactical reasons,” he added. BBCWednesday (24/5/2023).

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