17th session of PAM. Representatives of Arab Parliaments call for a relaunch of the Euro-Mediterranean partnership

by time news

The representatives of the Arab Parliaments called, on Wednesday in Rabat, to relaunch the Euro-Mediterranean partnership and give it new impetus in the light of the security, economic, health and environmental troubles the world is experiencing.

During the opening session of the 17th session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM), hosted by the Moroccan Parliament over two days, participants stressed the need for parliamentarians to engage in fruitful discussions and to contribute their legislative expertise in order to build a better future for the peoples of the Arab and Mediterranean region, calling for an accurate diagnosis of the challenges and to work for peace and stability in the region.

In this regard, MP Mohamed Abou El-Enein, of the House of Representatives of Egypt called for the establishment of a new Euro-Mediterranean partnership based on growth, trade and investment beneficial for all, emphasizing the imperative for the countries of the North to change their vision vis-à-vis the countries of the South within the framework of political commitment, serious will and sufficient investment.

In this wake, Mr Abou El-Enein called for the elaboration of a Euro-Mediterranean charter which protects and promotes investment, to design a Euro-Mediterranean map of investments which takes into account the resources of each country and to broaden the partnership to include the African continent as a land of the future, whose potential lies in solving many of the energy and food crises facing the world.

For his part, the First Deputy Speaker of the Jordanian House of Representatives, Ahmed Ibrahim Al Khalayla, urged parliamentarians to engage in constructive discussions and work together to find solutions to the problems and challenges related to migration, security , terrorism, human trafficking and geopolitical and security developments in the region, stressing that this difficult reality can only be overcome by redefining these challenges and adopting new policies.

He stressed that Jordan is aware of the seriousness of the problems facing the countries of the region and is working to launch initiatives and cooperate with all partners with the aim of investing in the assets of the region and taking advantage of the resources available to achieve integration that leads to prosperity.

In this wake, the President of the Shura Council of Qatar, Hassan bin Abdullah Al Ghanim, indicated, in a speech read on his behalf by his deputy, Hamda bint Hassan Al Sulaiti, that the ambitious objectives that the Parliament of the Mediterranean seeks to achieve will contribute to strengthening international peace and security, reducing tensions in hotbeds of conflict around the world, achieving sustainable development and eradicating poverty and terrorism.

In this regard, he stressed the need to respect the fundamental rights of individuals and peoples, foremost among them the inalienable rights of the brotherly Palestinian people, who are struggling to obtain their national rights and establish their independent state with Al-Quds East as its capital. , welcoming the initiatives taken by the Parliament of the Mediterranean to achieve this objective.

For his part, Fahmi Zarir, member of the Office of the Presidency and Secretary of the Palestinian National Council, denounced the Israeli aggressions in the Palestinian territories, while welcoming the support provided by Morocco, under the enlightened leadership of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, Chairman of the Al-Quds Committee.

Mr. Zarir expressed the wish to see PAM continue its efforts to achieve its objectives and strengthen the links of communication and strong relations between the neighboring countries of the Mediterranean which have a common destiny and which share customs and strong cooperation, calling on Northern partners to bet on the South for a prosperous future for all parties.

For her part, the Second Deputy Speaker of the Bahraini Shura Council, Jihad Abdellah Al-Fadhel, stressed the importance of building and expanding parliamentary alliances to serve the countries’ strategic interests, noting that the GCC countries in general, and the Kingdom of Bahrain in particular, ensure cooperation in areas of common interest for the countries of the Mediterranean, particularly in areas related to the consolidation of security and peace, the fight against extremism and terrorism, promoting sustainable development, energy security and digital transformation.

She recalled the creation in Morocco of the Parliamentary Network for Food Security and Nutrition in Africa and the Arab World in 2019, calling on PAM to adopt parliamentary partnerships directly related to current issues such as the economic file. and food security, in light of the worrying challenges brought about by climate change which particularly affects the Euro-Mediterranean region.

The 17th session of PAM deals with various current issues and topics on the agenda of this parliamentary organization, through recommendations and resolutions drawn up within the framework of the permanent specialized committees of PAM, in particular those related to immigration issues, security and terrorism, organized crime and human trafficking, geopolitical and security developments in the region, financial and economic crisis, artificial intelligence, energy efficiency, security water supply and the protection of the marine environment.

This session, which takes place in a turbulent regional context marked by multidimensional challenges, will be held in the presence of more than 200 participants, from 20 countries and regional and international organizations, in addition to civil society actors and economic operators.

The work of this 17th Session will be marked by the election of the new President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean, for the period 2023-2024.

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