181 million admissions in France in 2023, theater attendance on the rise

by time news

2024-01-02 11:01:13

The French “continue to return to theaters”: with 181 million admissions in 2023, attendance is up 18.9% compared to 2022, according to figures from the National Center for Cinema and Animated Images (CNC) published Tuesday January 2.

After three years marked by the Covid-19 pandemic, “attendance in French cinemas in 2023 confirms the powerful dynamic initiated last year”observes Dominique Boutonnat, president of the CNC, in a press release.

If the year which has just ended represents a rebound compared to the 152 million admissions for 2022, the results remain lower than the years 2017 to 2019, which were “among the best years in fifty years for French cinema” (207.9 million on average).

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France, where health restrictions in theaters were lifted in 2023, “achieves the best recovery among comparable countries thanks to the diversity of works offered, particularly French, and the commitment of our cinemas”also notes Dominique Boutonnat.

Two French films with more than 4 million admissions

In 2023, the top 5 films give pride of place to American blockbusters (Super Mario Bros, BarbieOppenheimer…) but sees two French productions exceed 4 million admissions, with Asterix and Obelix. The middle Empire et Alibi.com 2.

The market share of French films remains at 40%, compared to 41.3% for American films. “We are one of the countries with the highest market share for local cinema, far ahead of the United Kingdom, Germany, Spain and Italy”notes the CNC.

Super Mario Bros, the filmsdirected by Aaron Horvath and Michael Jelenic, was the biggest success of the year in France, with 7.15 million admissions since its release on April 5, according to the authority.

With The three Musketeers. D’Artagnan, Skirmishers (with Omar Sy) and the Palme d’Or Anatomy of a fall in the most viewed French films of 2023, the past year is “rejoicing since the diversity of French successes shows that all audiences have returned to cinemas”notes Eric Marti, specialist at Comscore, an audience analysis company.

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The World with AFP

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