25 Countries with the Highest Dwarf Populations: Rankings Based on Average Height

by time news

2023-06-17 15:17:00

Business Insider has ranked the 25 countries with the most dwarf populations in the world. They have calculated the average height using medical data and created this list.

Using the 2020 Medical Database of Risk Factors, Imperial College London and NCD have calculated the average height and ranked countries with dwarfism. It lists the separate average statistics of height for men and women for each country.

1. The Southeast Asian island of Timor holds the top spot in countries with the highest number of dwarfs. The average height of people here is 155.47 cm (5 ft 1.28 in).

2. Laos – The average height of people in this country is 155.89 cm (5 ft 1.37 in).

3. Madagascar – The average height of people in this country is 156.36 cm (5 ft 1.56 in).

4. Guatemala – The average height of people in this country is 156.39 cm (5 ft 1.57 in).

5. Philippines – The average height of people in this country is 156.41 cm (5 ft 1.57 in).

6. Nepal – The average height of people in this country is 156.58 cm (5 ft 1.64 in).

7. Yemen – The average height of people in this country is 156.92 cm (5 ft 1.78 in).

8. Marshall Islands – The average height of people in this country is 157.05 cm (5 ft 1.83 in).

9. Bangladesh – The average height of people in this country is 157.29 cm (5 ft 1.92 in).

10. Cambodia – The average height of people in this country is 158.11 cm (5 ft 2.24 in).

India is ranked 14th in the list. The average height of people in our country is 158.76 cm (5 ft 2.5 in).

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