3 effective tips to eliminate the musty smell of clothes in the rainy season

by time news

Wash in rainy season not always as good an idea as it sounds, firstly clothes take longer to dry and secondly if they don’t dry well you can save a undesirable aroma. No more! Apply yourself with 3 effective tips to remove musty smell from clothes in rainy season.

Why do clothes smell musty?

The clothes can smell musty for various reasons, one of the most common is because we hang out the clothes in spaces with little ventilation, we have humidity problems inside the house or it is too hot in the home, favoring the mold growth in our garments, mainly cotton ones.

The problem is that mold not only damages the fibers of the fabrics, it can also cause allergies or worsen the asthma symptoms, describe specialists from the Mayo Clinic Medical Institute. yes for more softener that you use the aroma does not disappear, learn to neutralize the musty smell of clothes in rainy season And forget about spraying all your perfume on it to hide it.

3 effective tips to eliminate the smell of humidity from clothes in the rainy season/ Photo: iStock

Why shouldn’t we hang clothes inside the house?

Hanging clothes inside the house could increase humidity levels in the environment. Although not all of us are lucky enough to have a large patio or a dryer at home, an article published by Mackintosh Environmental Architecture Research Unitrevealed that humidity increases mold spores and dust mites.

Maybe you think, how does that affect me? And the answer is very simple, the combination of these factors can cause asthma problems, rhinitis, weaken the immune system or develop lung diseases, warn the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

3 effective tips to eliminate the smell of humidity from clothes in the rainy season/ Photo: iStock

In addition to affecting your health, humidity also deteriorates clothes, stains them and even intensifies their aroma. If you have already identified this problem at home, learn how to remove musty smell from clothes with ingredients that you surely have in your kitchen.

How to remove the musty smell from clothes?

Forget spending liters of fabric softener, if you want remove musty smell from clothes, just follow the following tips and you will see that that unpleasant aroma disappears because it disappears without a fight. Apply once and for all!

You will need to:

  • Half a cup of baking soda
  • Soap with which you wash clothes
  • A cup of white vinegar
  • Fabric softener (optional)
  • Hot water

3 effective tips to eliminate the smell of humidity from clothes in the rainy season/ Photo: iStock

Procedure for remove musty smell from clothes:

Paso 1. Soak your clothes overnight in water, vinegar and half a cup of baking soda.

3 effective tips to eliminate the smell of humidity from clothes in the rainy season/ Photo: iStock

Step 2. To The next morning, wash your clothes as usual, but with hot water. Rinse with plenty of water and, if you prefer, you can use the fabric softener. Lay it out in the sun and as soon as it dries, you will notice that the musty smell will have disappeared

3 effective tips to eliminate the smell of humidity from clothes in the rainy season/ Photo: iStock

Other effective tips to eliminate the smell of humidity from clothes…

Clean the washing machine frequently: If you do not usually clean it after each wash cycle, it is very likely that it will begin to store mold and other microorganisms that cause an unpleasant odor in clothes, you can use white vinegar as we tell you in this note.

Dry the clothes in the open air: Dry the garments in the open air as soon as you finish washing and avoid storing it in the washing machine, this will only cause the proliferation of fungi.

Clean the closet well: enclosed spaces can produce humidity problemsclean your closet with white vinegar to disinfect and neutralize bad odors. Ventilate your closet at least three times a week and place a container with a few coffee beans to absorb the bad smells.

3 effective tips to eliminate the smell of humidity from clothes in the rainy season/ Photo: iStock

How can you realize, it is very easy to destroy the musty smell of clothes. Do not hesitate to implement these tips, I am sure that they will avoid many unnecessary laundry and they will make your life easier.

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If you want to know more tips to prevent the rains from ruining your house, stay in the following video and discover how to make a homemade waterproofing. I’m sure you’ll love it!

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