Forcing scientists to “drop everything like a whistle”

by time news

The fourth secretary of the Congress Table, the popular Carmen Navarro Lacoba, has advocated this Thursday for forcing the climate activists who this Thursday have thrown red beetroot paint at the Facade of the Puerta de los Leones of the Lower House to “leave it like a whistle” before complying with Justice.

Activists from Scientific Rebellion, Futuro Vegetal and Extinction Rebellion have stained part of the staircase, columns and one of the lions red in protest of the government’s inaction on the climate emergency

Navarro has indicated that she “would have left them there cleaning until they left everything like a whistle.” “And then, yes, to comply before the Justice with the consequences of her wrongdoing”

In her account on the social network Twitter, Navarro has indicated that she “would have left them there cleaning until they left everything like a whistle.” “And then, yes, to comply before the Justice with the consequences of her wrongdoing”, she has added.

A year ago, when climate activists first dumped red paint on the facade of Congress, the Chamber estimated the damage caused at 3,000 euros, who are now awaiting trial. However, Unidas Podemos, ERC and Bildu, among other formations, asked the president, Meritxell Batet, to withdraw what they considered a “fake accusation”.

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