5 alternatives for your porridge

by time news

Instead of oatmeal: 5 healthy alternatives for your porridge

1. Travel flocking

Have you ever heard of rice flakes? No? Then it’s about time, as they make a wonderful change from oatmeal. Because: You can not only enjoy rice flakes with milk or water – hot or cold – they are also rich in important nutrients such as B vitamins, vitamin E, iron, zinc, magnesium and potassium as well as valuable fiber. Due to their complex carbohydrates, the small delicacies also ensure long-lasting satiety. A plus point compared to oatmeal: They are definitely gluten-free.

2. The Kamut herd

Another healthy oatmeal alternative is kamut flakes. Kamut is one of the original types of grain and can be enjoyed as flakes as well as porridge, like oats. Due to its sweet to nutty taste, it goes wonderfully with nuts, seeds and fruit. In addition, kamut flakes are rich in healthy ingredients, especially zinc, selenium and magnesium. Their high protein content is particularly striking – they contain around 40 percent more protein than other types of grain.

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3. White Quinoa

A real nutrient bomb? Is also white quinoa, which is not only gluten-free, but also rich in important vitamins and minerals. Particularly noteworthy is the high iron content, which is particularly beneficial for vegetarians and vegans, as they are more likely to develop a deficiency. The amino acid lysine contained in quinoa has a particularly positive effect: by stimulating cell repair, it strengthens our immune system and also increases the serotonin level. The complex carbohydrates provide long-lasting satiety, making quinoa a suitable food for anyone looking to lose weight or to be healthy.

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4. Hirseflocken

Millet is one of the oldest types of grain in the world: people used the sweet grass to make unleavened flatbread as early as 8,000 years ago. Today you can buy millet flakes in any (organic) supermarket or drugstore. And the small flakes have it all: The mineral-rich grain is full of magnesium, iron, protein, sulphur, fluorine and potassium. An extra portion of various B vitamins as well as vitamins C and E are also included. Bonus? Millet flakes are gluten free. Conclusion: A delicious and healthy alternative for your morning porridge.

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5. Amaranth

Another healthy alternative for your porridge is amaranth, because in terms of nutritional content, the small grains even surpass most grains. Among other things, they are rich in iron, magnesium, calcium, protein, manganese, fiber and valuable fatty acids. Another advantage: the pseudo-grain is gluten-free and therefore also ideal for people with an intolerance.

Also exciting: 5 reasons why amaranth is healthy for you >>

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