5 Principles for Sustainable Healthy Behaviors: Plant-Based Diet, Physical Activity, Air Quality, Sleep, and Volunteering

by time news

2023-05-11 05:35:00

Sustainable Healthy Behaviors It can be easily implemented according to the following 5 principles:

  1. plant food is sustainable food

If everyone ate more of a plant-based diet and stopped emissions from other sectors There is a 50% chance of halting global climate change by 1.5 degrees Celsius as agreed upon. And if the food production system is improved in areas such as reducing food waste, the chances of a successful agreement increase to 67%.

because of obtaining one kilogram of beef Produces up to 60 kilograms of CO2 into the atmosphere, while soybeans emit only 0.9 kilograms of CO2. This is a 60-fold difference, and the water resources consumed by livestock products are significantly greater.

For example, 1 kg of beef requires up to 15,415 liters of water, 5,988 and 4,325 liters of pork and chicken, respectively, while producing 1 kg of vegetables reduces water consumption by several times, with rice using 1,673 liters of water. 822 liters and tomatoes use only 287 liters of water.

A Mintel survey reports that consumer behavior for the past one year, from 2021 to 2022, has a trend of decreasing consumption of meat and dairy products. not just the reason in terms of economy and environment but also for health reasons Although the proportions of vegetarians and vegans remained stable at 3% and 1%, respectively, the proportion of carnivore consumers fell from 33% to 28%, and the trend towards a more “carnivorous” diet. resilient (Flexitarian) increased from 10% to 13%

For Thailand, turning to a traditional way of life. such as the consumption of locally sourced vegetables or seasonal fruits Help support a healthy, sustainable diet. It can reduce the use of water, chemicals and greenhouse gas emissions generated from production and transportation processes. In addition, eating local food in Thai style. rich in a variety of vegetables and herbs also gives you health benefits Because it has high vitamins, minerals, antioxidants. and also undergoes less processing

  1. Exercise or sustainable physical activity (Exercise and Sustainable Physical Activity)

Mintel’s report indicates that people’s travel habits are increasingly changing. especially after the spread of the COVID-19 virus People are concerned about safety. Cleanliness in the transport system health and environment causing a tendency to turn to walking Or cycling instead of using a car to increase physical activity and make the body stronger as well

  1. Good weather starts with healthy behaviors.

Bad air can lead to a range of health problems, including eye, nose and throat irritation, coughing, allergies, and difficulty breathing. or affecting the cardiovascular system which in the long term air pollution increased risk of certain cancers and also results in a weakened immune system

having good health behaviors, whether not smoking reducing consumption of processed foods or avoid using private cars contributes to reducing greenhouse gas emissions cause of global warming And reduce the generation of dust PM2.5 and PM10 from engines and industrial plants. Be a part of cleaning the air. Reduce the risk of various respiratory diseases. It helps to be healthy. not just ourselves but also to their families and other people in the world.

  1. good and sustainable sleep

The less we humans sleep, the more The more it burns up natural resources. and inadequate sleep quality and duration It also results in the risk of various ailments. whether the weight is increasing cardiovascular disease mental health problems and a weakened immune system increasing number of patients in the healthcare system as an increase in medical waste Containing both infectious waste, sharp objects, chemicals, radioactive substances

Improper disposal of waste can cause environmental contamination and incineration requires high temperature. Sustainable quality sleep So it’s not just about taking care of your own health. but taking care of the environment at the same time

  1. Volunteer activities create a happy mood.

environment around affect mental health and the mood of the people is huge If the environment is good, less pollution, the mind will be clear. less stress volunteer activity It is another option that helps take care of the environment, whether it is planting trees. Collecting waste along rivers, canals, beaches or streets, helping the community sort waste, as well as environmental awareness activities. along with passing on the correct knowledge

“All of which not only helps our health to be stronger. But it also has a positive impact on our planet with healthy habits. to a sustainable way of life Because people have good health will contribute to social development Because if people are healthy and less ill, they will be qualified workers. In addition, if the social and environmental conditions are good, clean air, healthy food is easily accessible. It helps to encourage people to have better health.”

#Tricks #Create #Sustainable #Wellness #Save #World #Disease

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