Facial plastic surgery operations that are trending today – Cosas de Salud

by time news

2024-04-26 09:40:26

Lobuloplasty and otoplasty, operations on the ears

Ears can be a big reason for complexes and, thanks to plastic surgery, there are solutions for all types of physical problems. At this point, we would like to start with the lobuloplasty, ideal for those who want to rejuvenate or beautify the lobes. It doesn’t matter if you have a torn lobe, complete or incomplete, nor if it has been the victim of attacks such as dilations or the passage of time and sagging has occurred. This intervention gives the ears a very aesthetic shape.

Likewise, plastic surgeons carry out surgical procedures such as otoplasty on a daily basis. This intervention corrects the prominence of the ears, their asymmetry or possible deformities.. One of the most common reasons why people undergo this operation lies in what are known as “protruding ears”; putting an end to this malformation in favor of facial harmony.

Rhinoplasty, harmony in the face

However, if we talk about facial harmony then no operation stands out as much as rhinoplasty. The nose is located in the center of the face and, as such, is one of the most striking features. when it comes to beauty. Thanks to innovation in this medical field, the operation is much simpler and offers better results to those who wish to modify their nose.

Reducing the size, correcting a deviated septum or altering its shape are some of the advantages associated with rhinoplasty.. Furthermore, in many cases it is a procedure that optimizes the physical health of patients. An intervention that improves respiratory capacity to avoid many of the conditions that usually occur due to a deviated septum.

Blepharoplasty, revitalizes your gaze

It’s amazing how much you can say without opening your mouth. One look is more than enough to transmit sensations to others.. However, with aging we lose this strength in our eyes, even more so at a time when environmental aggressions generate premature wear in areas such as the eyelids.

As we age, the skin of the upper eyelids grows and becomes lax, causing the eyelashes to droop.. In addition to losing vitality in the eyes, this situation makes vision difficult and generates great discomfort in the individual. Luckily, with blepharoplasty there is a simple solution to this problem. A procedure that leaves no visible scars and offers incontestable results, returning youth to patients.

Cheiloplasty, incredible lips

While is true that The list of facial plastic operations is very long, including other treatments such as lifting or bichectomy., we would like to finish this list of interventions with cheiloplasty. It is a revolutionary technique that responds to innovation within the healthcare sector; preventing patients from having to rely on temporary solutions such as hyaluronic acid.

Cheiloplasty will allow you to modify the size of your lips as you wish. A most satisfactory option for those who suffer from a certain disproportion in this area of ​​the face, asymmetry or excessive volume. Of course, as happens in all the operations we have mentioned so far, it is crucial that you undergo cheiloplasty in high-level plastic surgery centers. Only in this way will you achieve the best results without risks, recovering the self-esteem that you should never have lost.

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