7 foods that could ‘pulverize’ your bones from the age of 30 and older

by time news

2023-10-02 23:59:24

Osteoporosis, a word that refers us to grandmothers. Wrongly because it is not a disease exclusive to the elderly. you can be consuming foods that pulverize your bonesand it happens from the age of 30.

“This disease is defined as a chronic and degenerative condition that affects the skeleton. It is characterized by low bone mass and deterioration in bone microarchitecture. Which makes it more fragile and prone to fractures,” José Alfredo Álvarez López, with a high specialty in mineral metabolism diseases.

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Symptoms of osteoporosis that you should never ignore

According to the Mayo Clinic Medical Institute, The disease does not usually show signs in its early stages, however, it is progressive and some of its manifestations are:

1-Back pain (often due to fracture or vertebra crush)
2-Loss of height
3-Hunched posture
4-Bones that break very quickly

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What should you not eat when you have osteoporosis?

When you have osteoporosis, it is important to avoid or limit certain foods and habits that can worsen bone loss. Bone density and increase the risk of fractures.

1-Foods rich in salt: Reduce your intake of foods high in salt, such as processed foods, canned foods, and fast foods. Excess salt can increase the loss of calcium in the urine, which weakens bones.

2-Soft drinks and carbonated drinks: These drinks often contain phosphoric acid, which can decrease calcium absorption into bones. Additionally, caffeinated beverages, such as cola and some energy drinks, can increase calcium loss in the urine.

3-Excess caffeine: Limit consumption of coffee and other caffeinated beverages, as they can contribute to calcium loss.

4-Alcohol: Consuming alcohol in excess can interfere with calcium absorption and negatively affect bone health.

5-Foods rich in oxalates: Some foods high in oxalates, such as spinach, beets, and peanuts, can interfere with calcium absorption if consumed in large quantities. It is not necessary to eliminate them completely, but it is important to balance their consumption.

6-Smoking: Smoking is linked to an increased risk of osteoporosis, so quitting smoking is essential to maintaining bone health.

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At what age can osteoporosis occur?

“The osteoporosis It appears in women between 30 and 40 years of age. It is important in this group to rule out any secondary cause of osteoporosis, because they are very young women who would not have to face this condition,” says the expert.

Here another question arises, what makes a female more vulnerable? After menopause, women lose estrogen (female hormone), which has a protective effect on bone. By decreasing its production, the bone decalcifies more quickly, which increases the risk of fracture.

In addition to the above, there are foods that could ‘pulverize’ your bones from the age of 30 and older. SLIDE THE MAIN PHOTO and DISCOVER THEM.

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