7 scientific reasons why men fear marriage

by time news

Getting married is a decision that in most cases generates a fear natural. There are those who consider it a difficult step to take who prefer to postpone it. However, there is scientific reasons why men fear marriage.

Mika Maddela, writer specializing in relationship issuesaffirms that the aversion of men to commit themselves is explained mainly by the way how the sexuality humana.

Having many partners means that they will distribute their strengths genes among several to procreate. Women obviously cannot do this and are therefore more selective with their partners. This is what motivates men, even though a lot of people aren’t conscious of it, assures the specialist.

When a man is not ready emotional in psychologically it’s going to be hard for me to think about him marriagethat’s why Salud180 presents the top 7 scientific reasons why men fear marriage.

Reasons why men avoid marriage

1. Economic pressure. tina tessina, California writer and psychotherapistUnited States, says that most men make it a priority to secure a future economic solid and then they think about starting a family.

2. The comfort zone. Gabriela Soberanis Madrid, consultant and coach for successconfirms that this state is a delusion that can be confused with welfarein which much is lost for fear of doing new things and not knowing that changes can lead to liberating and rewarding experiences.

3. Peter Pan Syndrome. The psychologist Carola Medrano affirms that this is a sign that men do not want to grow up, they are immature social, emotional y psychologically. They resist commitmentto have projects as a couple and to be parents.

Peter Pan syndrome is a sign that men who don’t want to grow up are socially and emotionally immature.

4. Loss of liberty. For him psychologist Gonzalo Elias “It is the unconscious delusion that men fall into when they believe that committing themselves will take away their freedom. They think that this commitment is going to take away other things that they enjoy in their life, on the contrary, they can have freedom and a happy life if they are prepared and work on the relationship

5. Fear of divorce. They “fear failure, since it is increasingly common for marriages to fail, so many prefer not to commit and take more time to feel ready, says the psychologist Gonzalo Elias.

6. Fear. Martha Brancatisanoin his book The great adventure. An apology for marriagesays that the fear it is the reason why men fear marriage. This signal is accompanied by selfishness since the tendency is “for the other to revolve around me, while I do many other things”.

7. There is someone else. If you’ve just gotten out of a relationship or are attracted to someone else, you’ll do everything possible not to commit yourself, says the psychologist Ingrid Saavedra.

This top only presents seven reasons why a man does not want to get married. According to specialists, great maturity is required to commit. Today the free Union or called premarital cohabitation is a option before asking marriage to a woman.

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