82 deputies vote for the 2024 state budget

by time news

2023-12-10 23:03:57

Views: 13

The deputies of the 9th legislature examined and adopted on Friday December 8, 2023 at the governors’ palace in Porto-Novo, the 2024 finance law. It was the Second Vice-President of the National Assembly, Léon Basile Ahossi, who chaired the plenary session in the presence of the Minister of State, Romuald Wadagni and the Minister of Justice Keeper of the Seals, Yvon Détchenou.

The 2024 finance law balances resources and expenses at the sum of 3,199.274 billion FCFA. The deputies of the ninth legislature adopted it by a large majority of 82 votes for, 27 against and 00 abstentions to allow the Government to implement its development policy in 2024.

The adoption of the 2024 finance law is the culmination of a long budgetary process which involved both the Government and national representation. The deputies examined the finance bill this Friday at the palace of governors in Porto-Novo on the basis of the general report of the finance and exchange committee of the National Assembly chaired by the honorable Gérard Gbénonchi.

According to the said report, the 2024 Finance Bill for Management is balanced in resources and expenses at the sum of 3,199.274 billion FCFA compared to 3,033.337 billion FCFA in the 2023 Finance Law. The analysis of this committee budget shows that it primarily aims to accelerate the structural transformation of the economy, so as to simultaneously achieve a better distribution of the fruits of growth, for greater equity and social justice. In form, it should be noted that the 2024 finance and management bill complies with the standards prescribed by Organic Law No. 2013-14 of September 27, 2013 relating to Finance Laws (LOLF).

We also note with the report that the 5.5% increase in the amount of the finance law compared to the initial scenario of 2023, is mainly driven by the positive effects of fiscal and non-fiscal reforms centered on the expansion of the tax base and consumption dynamics through massive investments in key sectors of the economy, underway since 2016.

Thus, the members of the Budget Commission recommend, through their amendments and recommendations, an improvement in the quality of budgetary expenditure and better management of public finances. To do this, they recommended compliance with the new rules decreed by the LOLF, relating to the Budget Orientation Debate (DOB) and the regular and on-time production of quarterly reports on the execution of the budget and the assessment of the text of the finance law.

Out of a total of 38 amendments formulated by the deputies, the Government was favorable to 36. The deputies therefore expressed their gratitude for the acceptance of the majority of their amendments. Overall, they believe that the Government is increasingly receptive to the grievances of its people. According to them, this explains the fact that more than 41% of the resources of this program budget are allocated to socially sensitive expenditure. They seized the opportunity to thank President Patrice Talon and through him the Minister of Finance, Romuald Wadagni and all his collaborators for the budgetary options made.


Democratic deputies vote against, except Ahossi

Submitted to a vote, the 2024 finance law is adopted by 82 votes for, 27 against and 00 abstentions. Thus, of the 28 deputies of the Democratic parliamentary group, 27 voted against and only the honorable Léon Basile Ahossi who chaired the plenary session in his capacity as second vice-president of the National Assembly voted for. This positive vote by the Democratic MP in favor of the finance law may at first sight surprise more than one person. But on closer inspection, it should not be an object of astonishment because we remember the recent declaration of the opponent Léon Basile Ahossi on the online radio Crystal News where he said: “We are not an opposition systematic blocking. The deputies of the Democratic parliamentary group are not in the National Assembly to block the files sent by the Head of State. » By voting for the 2024 finance and management law, he only put his words into action. However, the people of Benin may be surprised by the choice made on the latter, however, 3rd vice-president of the opposition party The Democrats in the National Assembly to lead this important plenary session which will dedicate the adoption of the finance law across the country for the coming year. But upon arrival, there was more fear than harm. Because for his baptism of fire, the honorable Léon Basile Ahossi proved that he is perfectly up to the task. The deputies of the UP-Le Renouveau and Bloc Républicain parliamentary groups congratulated him with a standing ovation at the end of the plenary session.

Faithful KENOU

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