How to put oneself in the brain and in the body of the artist?

by time news
The song of the stars © Fabienne Verdier

Why and how to put oneself in the brain and even in the body of the artist? Meeting at the top between the neurophysiologist Alain Berthoz and the painter and calligrapher Fabienne Verdier, to share between brain, art and science, the mysteries of gesture and creative thought…

Today we are going to try to approach the mystery of creation in the company of an extraordinary calligrapher painter, Fabienne Verdier (whose extraordinary cosmic and universal works are exhibited in museums around the world) and neurophysiologist Alain Berthoz (honorary professor at the Collège de France, internationally recognized for his work and discoveries on perception, movement and the geometries of the brain). Both have started much more than a dialogue. They shared the same experience: a painting session between brain, art and science. The neurophysiologist and the artist have indeed produced two paintings together in Fabienne Verdier’s studio, with the gigantic paintbrushes that the artist has invented. The neurophysiologist was able to question and experiment with the creative gesture. Why and how is it with one breath, with her whole body and not just with her hands or her head that Fabienne Verdier paints? What is at stake in the act of creating and in the brain of the woman whom Alain Berthoz has nicknamed “a thinking brush body”?

With the neurophysiologist Alain Berthoz and the painter Fabienne Verdier for their work A painting session, between brain, art and science published by Odile Jacob

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