Chingachgook from childhood: he taught us nobility

by time news

New promotion on Zvezda. “Trace of the Falcon”, “White Wolves”, “Sons of the Big Dipper”, “Blood Brothers”, “Chingachgook – the Big Serpent” – how these names caress, poison the soul, films about Indians.

Movies of our childhood. This was not to be missed. Made, filmed in East Germany, Yugoslavia. Where are these countries? There are no more. And not return. Like our childhood. Goiko Mitic, noble hero, Chingachgook, where are you? Now he is 82, he moved to Germany. He won’t come here again. He won’t help out, he won’t save, he won’t show how to fight with the pale-faced and defeat them.

He taught us nobility, and that kindness must still be with fists. Or at least with a tomahawk. It’s too early to bury the hatchet in the ground. And smoking a peace pipe is premature. Smoking is harmful.

Now it looks very naive: put on a wig, pumped up muscles, undressed to the waist, put a pen in one place (in the head) – and you are already an Indian. Fleur has fallen, the romance is gone, the myth has changed. Today they say that the redskins were cruel, merciless, stupid, rushed at the brilliant, but the cowboys are the height of quixoticism.

Do not believe, do not betray children’s illusions. Beat the whites until they turn red. Chingachgook is our president! He will return to Russian soil and defeat everyone again. Justice will prevail. Free Leonard Peltier and Angela Davis! Although Angela is not a turkey, but still ours, because from childhood. Which cannot be betrayed.

Let’s keep the child.

blue puppy

And this is a cartoon from my childhood. Then, before, there were no questions to him. Great anime, no words.

There Andrei Mironov sings for a cat, and how he sings! And Boyarsky – for the villain, the pirate: “Oh, how angry I am, wow, how angry I am!” And beloved Alisa Brunovna Freindlich – this is the blue puppy. What a constellation of names!

But now a cartoon with that name is nonsense. And to show it – if not a feat, but there is something heroic in it. Well, you understand me.

Blue is now a dangerous color, the color of not our bonds. Those whom we now openly call not partners, but enemies. And we are afraid of rainbows like fire, although nothing more beautiful, brighter, more elegant in nature has not yet been invented, not presented. We can no longer afford such a miracle, we have no right.

It didn’t start right now. I remember 20 years (or even more) ago, my little daughter and I went to Red Square for Christmas. A children’s choir sang there. How he sang! Here is a favorite song from your favorite cartoon, from childhood. And the children are happy: “The red car is rolling, rolling.” You see, red, not blue. Already then, at the very beginning of the century, we adjusted, corrected, so as not to lose our spirituality at all. Not blue, red. Well, we are all fools.

But the “Blue Puppy” appeared on “Culture” as a symbol, a sign that we have not yet completely turned into fools. “Blue puppy” is a sign of normality. Or maybe we just don’t want to be normal?

Published in the newspaper “Moskovsky Komsomolets” No. 28985 dated March 8, 2023

Newspaper headline:
Chingachgook from childhood

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