The European Union finances the construction of provost cells for the National Gendarmerie

by time news

The Chief of Staff of the National Gendarmerie, Lieutenant-Colonel Evrard Somda, chaired this Wednesday, March 15, 2023 at the city brigade of Sig-Noghin, the ceremony of laying the first stone marking the launch of the construction works infrastructures of the provost cells. Cells whose construction aims to strengthen the capacities of the National Gendarmerie in terms of Military Police.

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The ceremony of laying the first stone of the provost cell of the gendarmerie of Sig-Nonghin marks the launch of construction works for four provost cell infrastructures in Burkina Faso with the support of the European Union. This was announced by Lieutenant-Colonel Evrard Somda, Chief of Staff of the National Gendarmerie, head of the ceremony.

The construction of these infrastructures, he revealed, is part of a project financed by the European Union to the author of more than 4 billion CFA francs. According to him, the provostship within the troops constitutes a guarantee of transparency in the execution of the missions in the respect of the rules of engagement and the human rights.

He recalled that “The Gendarmerie is a force established to ensure security throughout the national territory as well as within the armies. So one of his missions is to ensure the provostship within the troops “, explained Lieutenant-Colonel Evrard Somda, Chief of Staff of the National Gendarmerie. According to him, the buildings of the provost cells planned to be delivered within 8 months will strengthen the capacities of the National Gendarmerie in terms of military police.

Lieutenant-Colonel Evrad Somda, Chief of Staff of the National Gendarmerie

It should be noted that it was with the financial support of the European Union that this project to build infrastructure for provost cells and to train staff was born. For Diego Escalona Paturel, Head of European Union Cooperation, this support is also part of the fight against impunity in Burkina Faso.

To this end, he said that the construction of these provost cells aims to improve the functioning of the criminal justice system in order to meet the demand for justice, to strengthen local justice to better meet the needs of litigants and support the military chain in order to increase its effectiveness.

Diego Escalona Paturel, Head of Cooperation of the European Union

The project, beyond the construction of the provost cells, aims to strengthen the capacities of the provost gendarmerie, the provision of rolling stock, computers, office furniture and personal and protective equipment. The overall cost of the project is 6 million euros or 4 billion CFA francs.

In total, it is planned to build 4 provost cells of the same type, including two in Ouagadougou, one in Bobo-Dioulasso and one in Kaya. These provost buildings will include offices, three cells made entirely of reinforced concrete and a meeting room that can hold around twenty people.


Mireille ZONGO (trainee)

Burkina 24



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