“Jiyed”: The misnamed

by time news

The best referee is the one who manages to be discreet while being efficient, unlike the one who seeks at all costs to steal the spotlight from all the players of the two teams together…
A Redouane Jiyed, not to name him, is anything but. After all these years with the whistle in his mouth, he is, by far, more tense than any rookie referee. Seeing him gesticulate or lecture and threaten the players in the game, it is easy to get an idea of ​​the person. Needless to say, the guy has weaknesses to hide, or at best, refereeing is a chore for him. In any case, it is, obviously, far from being a passion…
A good referee is absolutely not the one who is on the lookout for the smallest opportunity to brandish the yellow or the red. A respectable and respected referee is above all a teacher.
However, the Jiyed in question is anything but that. And that’s surely what earned him to be relegated to the back burner, thus reduced to the status of an extra during the last World Cup, despite the famous huge boosts he received.
The very last Casaoui Derby needed no more than a referee who would be nothing more than a referee. Despite the controversy and the more or less virulent exchanges that preceded the match, all the ingredients were there for a festive atmosphere. The players on both sides cheerfully lent themselves to the game in front of a conquered public which pleasantly beat time.
Except that it was too good for a referee too used to doing the show himself in his own way, however poor…
This is how he completely turned and seriously derailed during the last quarter of an hour in particular.
There would be some who would say that these were the instructions… And, there we expose it much more than we protect it. It’s reducing him to an underling, even a clown, when we just want him to be a referee, even if it’s asking too much of him.
Is there a Fed, is there a (so-called) professional League and therefore officials on board?
That all these beautiful people, in case it exists for real, simply take the trouble to rewatch this damned last quarter of an hour to get an idea of ​​the arbitral enormities perpetrated against the rules and common sense. Mr. Jiyed has quite simply invented a completely different conception of fault. He saw some where there was none and he was blind even when it was that big.
Examples ? This frank aggression committed by Reda Jaâdi as soon as he entered the game passed under a yellow silence while the red was essential…
And this poor Khaba who, at the slightest touch of the ball, saw himself sanctioned illico presto. A record of “fouls” for an attacker…
And what about a Makaazi who cashes blow after blow. Put on the ground, he grabbed the ball with his hand. Lack of hand against him. OK ! But why doesn’t he get a yellow card for that? No doubt the referee did not have the time to do this. He was obsessed with a completely different purpose.
It turns out that, there, it was the Raja who suffered. It could have been the WAC, which didn’t ask anyone anyway. But the problem is not there. So much effort is constantly being made to restore the image of our football, but it is deplorable that fanatics like this come to spoil everything.
However, let’s wait for the rest to see how the referee in question will be “rewarded” and to know how far the complicity goes back.

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