“The old man will be proud” (Hassan Tamboura, admitted to the 2nd round)

by time news

2023-07-05 16:48:55


The proclamation of the results of the 2nd round of the Baccalaureate (BAC) session 2023 began this Wednesday, July 5, 2023. At the Lycée Marien N’Gouabi, in Ouagadougou, the results of 2 out of 4 juries, in particular juries 105 and 106 respectively report 33 admitted out of 61 candidates and 36 admitted out of 59 candidates. In total, 1st and 2nd rounds combined for the two juries, there are 164 admitted out of 500 candidates, ie a success rate of 32.8%.

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“The old man will be proud”. These are the first words of Hassan Tamboura who has just been declared admitted to this second round of the Baccalaureate (BAC) session 2023 by the jury 105, series F4 option Civil engineering, at Marien N’Gouabi high school. Phone to the ear after slightly moving away from the crowd, we hear him say: “Hello uncle, I validated, I validated… thank you… thank you uncle! ».

Hassan Tamboura (kneeling).

Approached, we understand the meaning and all the intensity in its celebration. “I am very proud of myself. I’m going to call my dad right away, he’s in Djibo. He sent me here to pick me up… If I call him then, he’ll be proud of me. I am expected there, since the situation is not easy in Djibo there. It can soothe his heart”he told us.

To achieve such a result, he says he revised tirelessly. “We managed with the ”two capi”, it didn’t sleep, we didn’t have the support courses, we didn’t have the documents; with the support of my uncle in Ouagadougou, who hosts me with my brothers… It is not easy in any case”he somewhat shared his experience through the preparations for this second round.

32.8% success rate in the 1st and 2nd rounds for juries 105 and 106

Amadou Salambéré, principal of the Marien N’Gouabi high school, head of the centre.

In the 2nd round, jury 105 recorded 33 admitted, including 26 boys and 7 girls, and jury 106, 36 admitted, including 31 boys and 5 girls, said Amadou Salambéré, principal of Marien N’Gouabi high school, head of the center.

For the 1st and 2nd rounds, jury 105 recorded a success rate of 30.89%. “For Jury 105, we had 76 admitted out of 246 presented. Of the 76 admitted, we have 65 boys and 11 girls. We have a success rate of 30.89%. The postponements are 170 in number. This represents a failure rate of 69.11%”summarized Amadou Salambere.

Jury 106 has a success rate of 34.65%. “At the jury 106 series F4, in total, we had 88 admitted out of 254 presented. Of the 88 admitted, there are 73 boys and 15 girls. In this jury, we have a success rate of 34.65%. The adjourned are 166 in number. This represents 65.35%”he said.

In total, for the two juries, he indicated 164 admitted out of 500 candidates, with a success rate of 32.8%. The results of the other juries, he hinted, are expected in the afternoon of the same day.

“In general, at the Marien N’Gouabi high school, everything went well except for a few cases of fraud because the surveillance was very rigorous. We had to identify 5 fraudsters. They were brought to the gendarmerie station for investigations. They camouflaged the laptops, I don’t know where. And after, they flashed the subject which they sent to a third person to deal with »he appreciated the course of the two towers in his center.

Boukary Tarnagda, president of jury 105.

According to Boukary Tarnagda, president of jury 105, over the two rounds, “Children have to make an effort”. Also he invited the MENAPLN to work on the reorganization of the BAC, indicating some flaws, the new software, among others.

Amadou Salambéré in short recalled the first results of his center. “At Marien N’Gouabi, we have 4 juries. The jury 105 series F4, the 1st round recorded 43 admitted including 39 boys and 4 girls. The jury 106 series F4, there were 52 admitted including 42 boys and 10 girls. Jury 140, series D, there were 72 admitted including 28 boys and 44 girls. Jury 141 has two series (D and G2). In series D, we have 53 admitted including 29 boys and 24 girls. At the level of the G2 series, we had 18 admitted including 5 boys and 13 girls “he recalled.

Read also ???????? 1st round BAC 2023: A success rate of 17.1% and 20.1% in juries 105 and 106 of Lycée Marien N’Gouabi

Tambi Serge Pacôme ZONGO

Burkina 24



#man #proud #Hassan #Tamboura #admitted #2nd

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