Donations to IDPs, decorations and awards

by time news

2023-07-15 20:37:39


National Tree Day 2023 (JNA 2023) was celebrated this Saturday, July 15, 2023 in Ouagadougou, in arrondissement 4, under the chairmanship of the Minister of State, Minister of the Public Service, Labor and Protection social, Bassolma Bazié, representing the president of the transition, Captain Ibrahim Traoré.

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Placed under the theme “Tree, symbol of community resilience in a context of insecurity”the 5th edition of the National Tree Day (JNA) was celebrated in district 4 of the city of Ouagadougou under the high patronage of the president of the transition, Captain Ibrahim Traoré.

Its representative, the Minister of State, Minister in charge of the public service, labor and social protection, Bassolma Bazié, making known the importance of the tree for human and animal life, declared: “Burkina Faso cannot survive without trees”.

Three reasons, he continued, boosted the holding of this 5th edition. “Firstly, the satisfactory results of the three previous editions due to the responsible planting actions undertaken by national actors (the success rate of plants planted has increased in less than three years, from 25% to 60%.

Secondly, the need to compensate for the losses caused by the withdrawals for the needs of internally displaced populations in domestic energy estimated in normal situations at around 147 kg of wood energy per person per year.

Third, the expressed desire to reverse the trend of desertification and the harmful effects of climate change in line with the country’s international commitments. It is above all a question of minimizing the impacts on the quality of the soil on which the agro-sylvo-pastoral wildlife and fisheries production activities depend”he hinted.

Award-winning journalistic productions

On the occasion of this JNA 2023, the journalists who won the competition for the best achievement and practice in terms of the preservation of forest resources and the improvement of living environments, edition 2023, were rewarded.

This is Afsétou Sawadogo from Editions Sidwaya for his work “the sustainable preservation of arable land, a solution through agroecology”. She received the special gender prize consisting of a trophy, a certificate and a check for 300,000 CFA francs, in the written and online press category.

The second winner is Mahamadi Sebogo from Editions Sidwaya, for his work “an ancestral practice of sustainable soil management”. He is the winner of the great green wall prize in journalism for the promotion of sustainable land management, consisting of a trophy, a certificate and a check for 500,000 CFA francs.

Radio « kakoib- Yam vinnègre» de Ziniaré is the winner in the broadcasting category through his work the magazine “the tree is the soul of the community” by Alfred Kaganbeiga. He received a trophy, a certificate and a check for 500,000 CFA francs.

Amadine Adeline Lalsaga of RTB TV was named winner in the television category with her work “women, climate, the amazons of the arid lands” She received a trophy, a certificate and a check for 500,000 CFA francs.

Decorations and donations

The best towns and regions were also awarded. This is the award for achievements and practices in the preservation of forest resources. For the municipality, the prize was awarded to district 3 of Ouagadougou.

A check for one million CFA francs was handed over. The prize for the best region of the JNA went to the Center-North. A check for 2 million CFA francs was handed over.

Fifteen people were also decorated with the title of Knight of the Order of Merit for Rural Development with the Environment Clasp.

In addition, the Minister of State, Bassolma Bazié, gave food to the President of the special delegation (PDS) of the commune of Ouagadougou, Maurice Konaté, for the internally displaced populations. This was followed by the visit of stands and the stage of tasting local dishes.

Mireille ZONGO (Trainee)

Burkina 24



#Donations #IDPs #decorations #awards

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