A land dispute pits residents against the promoter of a private high school

by time news

2023-07-23 16:42:05


About 100 inhabitants of the Yaoghin district, in the 8th district of Ouagadougou, are threatened with eviction by a private high school. This is at least what the Democratic Youth Organization Committee (ODJ) of the said district suggested during a press conference held on Friday July 21, 2023 in the said district. The promoters of the said Lycée did not wish to give their version of the facts, for the moment…

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The Yaoghin Democratic Youth Organization (ODJ) committee, through its president, Kalidou Traoré, called public opinion to witness and challenged the authorities on the land crisis between the inhabitants of their neighborhood and a promoter of a private high school.

Kalidou Traoré, president of the ODJ committee of Yaoghin.

Indeed, he suggested that the inhabitants are threatened with eviction because of the promoter’s desire to expand his establishment. While, he says, some of them have lived there for more than 30 years and most still have their census cards carried out in 2008 by the town hall of the former arrondissement of Boulmiougou (now arrondissement 8) as part of a subdivision process which has been suspended.

The Yaoghin ODJ committee also questioned how the promoter of the school obtained a certificate of allocation of their land, dating from 2020. They (the committee and the inhabitants) also say that they have been sued by the latter who, in the first instance, was “dismissed” before catching up on appeal by the judge’s decision.

Decision moreover that the committee says it does not understand, but says it is still waiting for the return of their counsel, also waiting for the decision of the appeal judge and the related reasons.

Members of the ODJ committee.

Calling on the authorities to seriously look into land management, the ODJ committee informed that they, residents of the Yaoghin district, are waiting for an adequate solution to be found to their problem. This, emphasizing that a decision “unfair” would be fought.

Populations under threat of eviction attended the press conference.

The ODJ committee also recalled that during a meeting with the head of Zagtouli, the promoter of the school had recognized himself as ” not being the owner of the premises“. And, therefore, promised, given the project to expand its establishment, to relocate the populations to another site. Promise, according to the chairman of the committee, was not kept.

Burkina 24 insisted on having the version of the first officials of the said Lycée. We had to wait until Sunday, July 23, 2023 to have a contact on the phone. “The case is in court, I have nothing to say about it…”said our interlocutor who promised to come back to us with the swallows of his advice…

Tambi Serge Pacôme ZONGO

Burkina 24



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