“I am very happy, because it was a success” (Augusta Palenfo)

by time news

2023-09-03 17:47:51


The curtains of the international festival of laughter and humor in Ouagadougou (FIRHO) closed this Saturday, September 2, 2023 at CENASA. “Great satisfaction for the promoter Augusta Palenfo who considered this 16th edition as a “total success”.

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The international festival of laughter and humor in Ouagadougou (FIRHO) closed its doors this Saturday, September 2, 2023. This 48-hour Festival had the theme “a new smile to life” in relation to the security situation in the country.

For the promoter of the event, Augusta Palenfo, « I am very happy, because it was a success, we did not expect more than that in these difficult periods of insecurity when we know that Burkina is really going through a very difficult time. But then the public came out, they answered present, they laughed, I think they had a lot of good. I can say, I am 100% satisfied”, she testified.

She also hoped to count on the support of the ministry, “Sometimes, saying and doing that makes two, but I hope that from now on we will be able to take more charge of us, more support for culture in general and humor in particular”she said.

The FIRHO was also this channel of opportunities for the youngest artists in the field to express themselves and make themselves known. This is the case for Welvy the reference: “As an emerging comedian student, I really learned a lot. I made my modest contribution to this festival, but this festival brought me a lot, it opened doors for me, it revealed to me, it gave me a lot”he argued.

« Politics does not divide men, I can be against your politics and not be against your person. So the message is simple, politics or religion must not divide us and the minister joined, I was happy. he continued.

Before concluding : “the country really lives in situations of insecurity and we must cultivate forgiveness, peace, social cohesion, love of neighbor”. The FIRHO this year 2023, it is several humorous artists from here and elsewhere in the Burkinabè capital for two days. The course is therefore set for the next edition, according to the organizers.



#happy #success #Augusta #Palenfo

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