Frustrated, they pass on to their children a “taste for simplicity” and a love of nature

by time news

## 2024-08-08 ⁢12:18:48

IN ROBINSON’S NEW BOOK (3/6) – Overcome ‌by conflicting emotions, ecoanxious parents seek to tie their children’s awareness ‍of nature without expressing ⁢their anxiety.

At the beginning of the book, the unnamed father ⁢talks ​with his 13-year-old daughter. Lucie is troubled because​ at school they learn that “warming will be ‌very ‍difficult to stop, that it will exist for centuries and it⁤ is just here in France.” He imagines the dark ‍days when people would kill themselves over a little diesel. ⁤ “What is the end of this world story and why does no one do anything?” he asked. ‌Patiently, ⁣argument by argument, the father – who knows a lot about it since he presented the‍ ideas of scientists, ⁢engineers and collapsologists Pablo‌ Servigne‍ and ⁢Gauthier Chapelle – details the‌ value of the current event. Yes, it’s true,⁤ he​ admits, glaciers are melting, animals are disappearing, and most people‌ are going​ about their lives without seeming to care. So,⁢ he told her, it’s normal “to be afraid, sad, hopeless, disgusted or angry. If ⁤the land is sick and​ the…

#Frustrated #pass #children #taste #simplicity #love #nature

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