Former defense official: “Israel can attack Iran alone”

by time news

Former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert claimed this morning (Friday) in an interview on 103FM that “Israel does not have the military capability to attack Iran.” In light of his remarks, former Chief of Staff for National Security, Maj. Gen. (Res.) Yaakov Amidror, commented on Nissim Mashaal’s program on 103FM, stating: .

Already at the beginning of his remarks, Amidror spoke about the words of former Prime Minister Olmert: “For the first time, the president did not come to say whether he likes this government or not. The president came to Saudi Arabia, and he could not visit Saudi Arabia without moving to Israel – so it happened to fall on this transit government. If there was another prime minister here he would land for the other prime minister. Therefore, election propaganda as part of an interpretation does not seem to me the right way. I agree that Israel does not have the same capacity as the United States, but it has enough capacity to cause very great damage to the Iranian nuclear program. If there is no choice we can attack Iran even without the Americans. Here the fundamental question of the establishment of the State of Israel will be examined – can the State of Israel defend itself? My answer is yes. “

According to the former head of the National Security Council, Israel must not rely exclusively on the Americans. “The State of Israel was established so that the Jews would defend themselves. Of course I would love for the Americans to do the work, but we, as a country, must not be trusted. “We need to ask ourselves how we are building our capacity to be better than it is today, and we have the capacity today, we need to develop it,” he clarified.

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According to him, Israel can be helped by the United States, get money from them, weapons, get support from the UN. But the war itself? The State of Israel must do it itself. “

At this point, Mash’al asked Amidror where he places the red line after which he would recommend that the government attack Iran’s nuclear facilities: Look, when we located the nuclear program in the research division in 1994, the experts’ estimate was that it would take them between 10 and 15 years to reach nuclear weapons. “Later, and they don’t have a nuclear bomb. As long as you can make time, you have to keep doing it.”

According to Amidror, it is mentally difficult for the Americans to fight Iran: “We have been trying to do this for a decade and once they have changed their policy and moved from dismantling Iran’s capabilities to rejection and control we are trying and failing. “Trump also said in his time that they would not use force. It is difficult for us to convince them. Because the Americans, mentally, are not built for another war.”

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