Tulipani di Seta Nera Festival, 60 short films nominated for the Sorriso Rai Cinema channel award

by time news

Over 300 works entered in the competition and from all over Italy and abroad: among the nominations, Lazio stands out in first place, with 16 works in competition | Courier TV

The 60 short films nominated for the Sorriso Rai Cinema Channel award were unveiled on Wednesday morning, as part of the XIV edition of the International Short Film Festival «Tulips of Black Silk». Over 300 works entered in the competition and from all over Italy and abroad: among the nominations, Lazio stands out in first place, with 16 works in competition, followed by Campania (6), Piedmont (4), Marche (4) , Lombardy (3), Puglia (3), Sicily (3), Calabria (2), Tuscany (2), Veneto (2), Basilicata (1), Sardinia (1) and Emilia Romagna (1) and various mixed productions between 2 regions. Many courts of foreign origin, with Spain in the lead, present with 7 works, Mexico, Austria and an Italian-Swedish production. The dates of this edition – which will take place in Rome from 3 to 6 June next – have also been officialized in a meeting that saw the participation, in addition to the President of the Tulipani di Seta Nera Festival Diego Righini, of the General Director of Cinema and Audiovisual of the Ministry of Culture Nicola Borrelli, Rai Cinema CEO Paolo Del Brocco and Rai Director for Social Affairs Giovanni Parapini. The artistic director of the Festival, Paola Tassone, and the institutional partners of the event also intervened: INAIL, ENIT, ANMIL, ASVIS, ENS and Fondazione UNIVERDE, who presented the three works that in their opinion best represent the missions of their respective entities. “We immediately wanted to make our cultural project available to the Draghi Government – declared the President of the Festival Diego Righini – to relaunch all the audiovisual messages for the Ecological and Social Transition, which looks at disability, young people and disadvantaged territories , for safe and modern work. We will talk about the fragility and beauty of people and places with the authors Pino Strabioli and Stefano Jurgens ”. The 60 shorts were presented by the artistic director and creator of the Festival, Paola Tassone, who wanted to underline the presence in the nomination of many works of social denunciation on bullying, gender violence and racism. Created by the social promotion association “Università Cerca Lavoro”, the Festival promotes the work of young authors who, through images, represent not the simple story of a diversity, but the very essence of diversity, enhancing its multiple aspects and expressing them through the art of cinema, which has always given voice to thoughts, opinions and feelings. A Festival of ecological and social transition, whose main “mission” is to create a new solidarity society, a sensitive and integrated community that learns to support the weakest and respect the environment that surrounds it.


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