“Would you extend your hand when you get angry?”.. A royal salute to the self-respecting ‘Ammu’! | Opinion on Aishwarya Lakshmi’s new movie Ammu | Puthiyathalaimurai – Tamil News | Latest Tamil News | Tamil News Online

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A self-respecting mother.

We tell the story directly without backstory. Ammu talking about domestic violence. Ammu’s voice is what a woman who is physically and mentally abused by her husband should do.

Although every scene in the film is an important scene, it is the first half that gives us the biggest pain than the second half. The scenes where Ammu begins to realize little by little that she is subjected to domestic violence make even the viewers angry. On the one hand, Ammu has a lot to admire and admire. On the other hand, here we would like to list the important dialogues spoken in the film. Along with that, the review of the movie will also be here. therefore, There are spoilers.

Ammu’s life goes very happily for the first few weeks of marriage. Ammu, who received only kisses from her husband for all these months, gets a slap on her cheek for the first time in a day. Unsure of how to react, Ammu tells her mother. After hearing this, he asked his daughter, “What have you done? asks the mother. Ammu quickly said, “How did you decide that I was the one who made the mistake? Ammu asks if I have made a mistake, can he beat me?


Then the mother understands Ammu’s condition and tells her something. This is the most important line and point of the film. Ammu’s mother says:

“Your father has beaten me once. At that time, my mother said, “A wise man will only beat you.” All this is new and it doesn’t happen to you alone. Chances are your husband is hitting you again. This cannot be stopped at any time. Ambalas will get angry. Why, he will go to work; 1,008 will be in tension. Then who can show that tension? Be angry with us. You don’t think you want all the love… then you have to bear all the pain.


They said that if a child is born, all problems will be solved. But our mother should not have told me all this. Instead, where is my mother? A man should not lay his hand on his wife. Maybe if he beats her, she doesn’t have to live even with himI should have said. I will tell you the same thing. Ammu, do whatever you think is rightHe says.

This is the most compelling thing to say to every female victim of domestic violence in India, their mothers. Ammu has spoken it so elegantly, justly and with grace. Heartfelt praise to Sarukesh Shekhar who wrote and directed Ammu for this.

There are many more powerful lines like this in the film. In particular, when Ammu realizes that she is being victimized, she says, “I have lost respect for myself. Whatever he does, I will tolerate and be on the sidelines’ conveys pain in us too.


In the interlude block of the film, Ammu realizes that she is the only solution to her problems. Then he says – “I will not be idle anymore. I can’t just sit around and wait for someone to come and save me. If something happens, I will do something’, he says. After that, everything Ammu touches is action. When it comes to action, don’t think he’s a beater. Even though it is a Telugu film, there are no such unbelievable scenes in the film. Ammu teaches her husband that understanding. `Don’t lay hands on me anymore, no one else‘ she says indignantly. From there he starts to redeem himself.

There are many twists and turns in the film. Babi Simha comes… police station scenes come… Ammu gets pregnant just as the masked husband’s identity is slowly falling away. At that moment, Ammu also talks about the politics of the female body. Another round of applause for Ammu’s decision whether to give birth to that child or not.


Domestic violence usually does not start overnight. It has some steps. The way the Ammu crew has handled it so sensitively is a wonderful thing. Especially some scenes where Ammu blames herself are very realistic. I don’t know what I’ve done to sit in a railway station and ask a beggar. All I know is to sit down and cry without pride. Well, even if I didn’t make a mistake, I kept cursing myself. Why am I like this? Why is he so angry in the first place? Will you reach out if you get angry? But he is not evil… not even a monster. Treat me very well. I can’t say that he doesn’t love me.


Then he gets tensed because of the things happening around him. So it cannot be said that it is entirely his fault. But my mind does not want to accept this. This does not happen every day. We will be fine for a long time. Come to think of it, we’ll be fine at maximum. Is it a mistake if we let go of the problem? If I am loving him after enduring all this, he will not turn back one day… He must love me so much that he cannot hurt me. He doesn’t love me that much. He is my world,’ says Ammu. Only after all this guilt does Ammu get angry. And the twist in the climax is unforgettable.


Aishwarya Lakshmi as Ammu. He handles every emotion so gracefully. Giving love to her husband as much as she can after marriage – tolerating abusive words in the bedroom – being shocked when she sees her husband’s anger for the first time – standing on a deserted road without a penny in hand when she is left alone by her husband in the middle of the road – hiding from a fan plate coming towards Moonch, she makes us talk to her until she is belted in the bedroom. In Klimas, he is full of the screen and our minds as he boldly speaks to his abuser saying “I am not afraid of you”. In other words, he keeps me upright.


Not only Ammu, but all the character designs in the film handle this sensitive subject elegantly. Played as a husband Naveen Chandra has also threatened in acting. Along with them, Bobby Simha, Sathya Krishnan, Anjali Ameer, Raghu Babu and others also attract our attention.

Don’t think that you just told the picture here. Even more compellingly, Ammu does a lot of things in the second half. Ammu’s politics is very important. “Ammu” can be said to be a film that leaves you a bit unsettled rather than a good film. Ammu keeps bothering us. That hassle that Ammu does, everyone should get. Because there are still many Ammu’s in India today. Ammu is a film that they and we who belong to them should not miss. The film is available in Tamil on Amazon Prime.

To every woman reading this, we say it along with Ammu. “Right or wrong. Don’t let anyone else make any decisions for you. This is your life. your body You have to make your own decisions’. Dot.

– J. Niveda

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