A batch of 936 national and municipal police officers ready for the “reconquest” of the national territory

by time news

2023-07-21 18:42:41


On behalf of the Prime Minister, the Minister of State, Minister for the function presided over the official exit ceremony of the 52nd class of the national police academy made up of a cohort of 936 police officers including 747 national police officers and 189 municipal police officers this Friday, July 21, 2023 in Ouagadougou. “Reconquest” is the baptismal name of this 52nd class of the National Police Academy.

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There is no greater honor for a dressed body than to display its stripes. Especially for the one who has just left the training who replaces these shoulder pads with those of the school that he had to wear during the two years of training. This Friday, they are 936 national and municipal police officers to wear their epaulettes. They are now ready for the reconquest of the national territory.

They have, for the student non-commissioned officers of the national police stayed during their training at the training center of the intervention units of the national police for a training of hardening in combat, and in technique of invention.

Sayouba Sawadogo, delegate of the 52nd class

The delegate of the 52nd promotion, the non-commissioned officer Sayouba Sawadogo affirmed that he and his promotions are ready to defend the national colors wherever duty calls upon them. “The 52nd promotion by my voice is committed alongside our seniors to contribute effectively to meeting the security challenge with honor, pride and above all with professionalism“, he argued.

The godfather of the 52nd promotion Lassiné Diawara, economic operator, urged his godchildren to break with unsavory practices which do not honor their body, in particular corruption, embezzlement and favouritism.

Lassiné Diawara, sponsor of the promotion

« Know how to say no to any form of injustice and any form of action contrary to your ethics, always work in the interest of our dear homeland“, he advised them.

In addition, the sponsor of the 52nd class has made a commitment to cover the cost of driving license files for all the elements of the 52nd class, ie 936 files. He also decided to award the 22 best police students of the promotion, 16 of whom will have motorcycles and 6 others computers.

Oumarou Songne, Director General of the National Police Academy

Addressing his now former students, the Director General of the National Police Academy, Oumarou Songne hinted that: ” You are graduating (from the national police academy, editor’s note) at a time when our country is going through decisive moments in its history and the need for active staff on the ground has become an absolute necessity.

We have for two years instilled in you the fiber of work for the accomplishment of your mission. You have shown discipline and dedication in learning your noble craft. Now is when your professional career begins“, he launched.

In addition, Oumarou Songne asked these new elements of the national and municipal police to make discipline, duty of reserve, responsible use of social networks and patriotism their priority values ​​to cultivate.

Émile Zerbo, minister in charge of security

For his part, the Minister in charge of security, Émile Zerbo called on these police students who have just finished their training to be honest, honorable and exemplary police officers within their services and units. “Be human rights defenders, protect the widow and the orphan. Hate corruption“, he urged.

The Minister of State, Minister in charge of the public service stressed that the government is committed to ensuring that the means are mobilized and made available to these new elements of the police so that they are well equipped for their mission of reconquering the national territory.

Bassolma Bazié, Minister of State, Minister for the Public Service

“It can happen that we lose sisters and brothers, so to say that this reconquest is made at the cost of blood, at the cost of tears and sweat…”, he says. Everyone must “make some type of sacrifice in terms of taxes and others” and understand “that the government does not do it to make people suffer but we do it so that we can stand as a dignified people and have this reconquest, peace to honor the memory of all those who have sacrificed”, he declared.



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