A brand new format of cooperation between BMU and ASTU. a cooperation memorandum was signed – 2024-05-27 02:49:07

by times news cr

2024-05-27 02:49:07

The cooperation of the Union of Banks of Armenia (UAB) with the upper instructional establishments of Armenia will proceed in a brand new format any further.

The primary memorandum of cooperation was signed right this moment with the State College of Economics of Armenia. The memorandum, implying a variety of cooperation between the 2 buildings, was signed by the manager director of the BMU, Seyran Sargsyan, and the rector of the ASTU, Diana Galoyan. Tatev Vardanyan, Head of the Profession Middle of ASTU, and Arman Sargsyan, Deputy Government Director of the Academy of Medical Sciences, additionally took half within the assembly.

Welcoming the company and the beginning of cooperation, the rector of ASTU introduced the partnership packages of Economics with different organizations, the aim of which is to enhance college students’ abilities, then referring to the specialty “Group of banking actions”, he famous that ASTU is the one college within the nation that implements this instructional program, introduced the Central Financial institution along with the method of reforming ASTU instructional packages and coaching and certification of professors. Diana Galoyan emphasised that the college is able to cooperate in all these codecs that may be helpful for college kids.

Presenting the doable instructions of cooperation in a brand new format, the manager director of the Financial institution of Ukraine Seyran Sargsyan emphasised the problems that exist and wish enchancment within the preparation of certified personnel for the banking system, round which the implementation of joint packages and initiatives will guarantee the specified consequence for the events. The manager director of the Financial institution of Azerbaijan significantly highlighted the issue of elevating the {qualifications} of the personnel of the banking sector, monetary literacy and the implementation of scientific analysis works on the problems of the monetary and banking sector.

We’ll have a look at the works and packages to be carried out inside the framework of the authorized cooperation within the close to future.

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