A Brave Girl’s Survival: Woman Sentenced to Forensic Psychiatric Care for Attempted Murder and Assault

by time news

Title: Ten-Year-Old Girl Survives Brutal Attack by Mentally Ill Woman

Subtitle: Woman sentenced to forensic psychiatric care after assaulting multiple girls

Date: [insert date]

In a shocking incident that occurred in June, a ten-year-old girl narrowly escaped death after being brutally attacked by a mentally ill woman. The young girl, who remains unidentified, was stabbed twice in the back and once in the arm with a knife by a stranger. Her quick thinking and cry for help saved her life.

The incident took place on a hill, where the unknown assailant approached the girl and viciously attacked her. Fortunately, an exercising man heard her cries and came to her rescue. He immediately took her to a nearby residence where the couple living there called for an ambulance. Thanks to their swift actions, the girl’s life was saved.

During the trial held in mid-October, the exercising man described the harrowing experience, explaining how he did everything possible to keep the girl awake and prevent her from falling asleep. The man, who had never met the girl or her mother before, also shook hands with the girl’s mother outside the courtroom, showcasing the bond they formed through the traumatic incident.

The ten-year-old was urgently operated upon in Helsingborg hospital on June 12. The young girl’s condition was critical, with surgeons from various parts of Skåne being called in to stabilize her. Their efforts proved successful, and they managed to save her life.

In a recorded video interview played during the trial, the exhausted girl recounted the events that took place just three days after the attack. Her thin voice and closed eyes revealed the toll the incident had taken on her. She described meeting the woman on a hill after a tunnel and being stabbed in the back.

The 34-year-old assailant underwent a forensic psychiatric examination, which confirmed her serious mental disturbance. In mid-October, she was sentenced to forensic psychiatric care for attempted murder and assault on multiple young girls. The assailant had attacked five girls over a few weeks, resorting to violence, stones, and finally a knife.

During the trial, she admitted to wanting to hurt others to alleviate her own pain and described feeling some satisfaction in attacking the young girl. The court deemed her profoundly mentally ill, sentencing her to forensic psychiatric care and ordering her to pay SEK 500,000 in damages to her victims.

Due to her mental illness, the assailant cannot be sent to prison. The court further emphasized the need for a “special discharge examination” to determine when the woman’s treatment can conclude, considering the significant risk she poses for potential future crimes.

The case has received widespread attention due to the unprecedented nature of this type of serious crime occurring in an open location, with children falling victim to a stranger’s unprovoked attacks. The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of mental health awareness and the need for adequate support and care for individuals with serious mental illnesses.

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