A fisherman survived 11 days in a sea infested with sharks, how did he do it? | watch

by time news

An extraordinary story of survival: A Brazilian fisherman survived for 11 whole days in a shark-infested sea floating in a freezer, after climbing into it due to the sinking of his boat.

The unusual event happened in the Atlantic Ocean, off the coast of northern Brazil, and the terrified fisherman told CNN: “I was desperate, I thought my end was near, but God decided to give me another chance.” He also stated that he did not know how to swim, and that he noticed the freezer at the last moment, when his boat had already sunk into the depths. “The sharks circled the freezer, but did not attack it,” he recalled, testifying that he had to scoop up water with his hands every time the device started to fill up.

Finally, the fisherman was picked up by another boat sailing in the area, off the coast of Suriname.


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