A five-year-old girl was moderately injured and two other girls were slightly injured when a car hit her in Bnei Brak

by time news

Three girls were recently injured (Saturday) by a car on Kahneman Street in Bnei Brak. MDA medics and paramedics together with paramedics from the Rescue Union provided them with medical treatment and they were evacuated to Sheba Hospital in Tel Hashomer. A 5-year-old girl was evacuated in fair condition with a head injury and two other eight- and two-year-old girls were evacuated in a light condition.

MDA medics Aharon Fischer and Shmulik Indig said: “There was a lot of commotion at the place. 3 girls injured from the vehicle were fully conscious and suffered upper body injuries. We performed medical tests and evacuated them to the hospital when their condition was moderate and mild. “

Bnei Greenman, a paramedic from the Rescue Union who provided them with first aid, said: “These are three girls – pedestrians who were hit by a vehicle. With the help of the Rescue Union’s ambulance team, I provided them with first aid at the scene. easy”.

Investigators from the Police Traffic Division are investigating the circumstances of the accident.

Photo: Eli Bernstein

Photo: MDA operational documentation


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