A kamikaze drone attacks a US base in Syria, leaving at least one dead

by time news
  • The US Army carries out air strikes in retaliation for the aggression

At least one person has died and another six have been injured after what a kamikaze drone hit a maintenance facility at the military base Hasaka, in northwestern Syria. The United States Department of Defense has reported the attack, which took place this Thursday at 1:38 p.m. local time, specifying that the dead man is a contractor, while the wounded are five members of the American service and another contractor. Four of the wounded have been flown to Iraq for medical treatment. In addition, all the victims are American nationals, according to the statement.

The intelligence services of the United States consider that the attack is of iranian originso the Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin, has ordered the Army to carry out airstrikes against Tehran-linked facilities. “Following instructions from the President, (Joe) Biden, I have authorized the forces of the United States Central Command to carry out precision air strikes tonight in eastern Syria,” Austin explained.

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The Secretary of Defense has explained that the retaliatory attacks are directed against facilities used by “affiliated groups” to the Iranian Revolutionary Guard (IRGC). “Airstrikes have been carried out in response to today’s attack, as well as a series of recent attacks on coalition forces in Syria by IRGC-affiliated groups,” he explained.

The head of the Pentagon has explained that these attacks “have the objective of protecting and defending US personnel,” according to a statement. “As President Biden has made clear, we will take all necessary steps to defend our people and we will always respond at the time and place we choose,” he said. “No group will attack our troops with impunity,” he added.

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