A law on free access to socially significant sites came into force in Russia

by time news

The law instructing telecom operators to provide free access to certain sites under the state program “Accessible Internet” came into force. The government has not yet established the list of such sites and the criteria for its replenishment, however, from April 1, 2020, as part of the experiment, operators are already giving free access to a number of sites – in particular, “Gosusulugs” and the sites of government agencies.

Before the law came into force, the Ministry of Digital Science updated the draft requirements for socially significant sites, allowing them to transmit videos even with free access. At the same time, as Kommersant previously reported, video can be transmitted in a low resolution of 480p, and the organization of the possibility of calls, audio and video messages is prohibited.

The idea of ​​leaving access to socially significant sites with a zero balance was announced by Russian President Vladimir Putin in January 2020. From March 1, 2020, communications providers, by agreement with the Ministry of Communications, began to provide free access to public service websites, but there was still no legislative mechanism by that time. In September, telecom operators offered not to provide free access in roaming and without proof of citizenship, but the Ministry of Digital Industry did not take these ideas into account.

What else awaits Russians in December 2021 – in the material of Kommersant.


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