A night with Rajoy, Laporta and the Doraemon impersonator

by time news

2023-06-16 16:29:59

“Sometimes I’m afraid to hit myself in the head and end up like one of the characters,” he joked the impersonator Oriol Cruz, at the inauguration of the seventh edition of Festimams. Cruz, known for his imitations in programs like the Rac1 version o Krakowwas the star of the first day of the Girona comedy festival, in which he shared a conversation with Peyu and Fel Faixedassoul of Festimams and master of ceremonies for the evening.

After a tasting dinner with products of the Girona Excellent seal of the Provincial CouncilCruz was able to gather in the courtyard of the House of Culture in Girona thirty different charactersas the person responsible for the strategy against covid in Catalonia, Carmen Cabezas, Mariano Rajoy, Joan Laporta or Gerard Piquéwho joked about a possible Festimams League, made entirely in Spanish, in reference to the discrimination of Catalan in the Kings League.

And the Festimams can boast a line-up with nine very different comedy proposals – from La Sotana to the trans activist Vidda Priego, passing through Las Glorias Cabareteras – but all done in Catalan. Until Sunday they will also go through the Girona festival The new paradigm of Judit Martín and Natza Farré; Manel Vidal and Oye Sherman in the monologues of El Soterrani or big party, the celebration of the twenty-five year career of Faixedas and Carles Xuriguera.

La Sotana, El Soterrani, Natza Farré and Judit Martín or Carles Xuriguera and Fel Faixedas, at the 7th edition of Festimams

Those attending the first day opened the night “eating territory”, as the manager of Girona Excel·lent, Carles Benítez, assured, with products such as rice from Pas, foie de Coll Verd, cheeses from La Xiquella that finish to be recognized as the best in the State or the “world” premiere of sweet sausage chuuxos.

Already with a full belly, the ramblings of Ferran Adrià started the conversation between Cruz and the comedian Peyu, who joked about his beginnings at Ràdio Flashback, in which he was only able to imitate Doraemon.

Peyu’s veto to perform in the lands of the Ebro due to his criticism of the correbous, the controversy over the sexist gag in the program Bricoheroes or performances in early-morning discotheques were other topics of conversation during a night when, in a chair at the Casa de Cultura de Girona, Pingu, Carmen Lomana, Albert Serra or Vicenç Martí, the character that Cruz nails every afternoon from the microphones of Rac1.

#night #Rajoy #Laporta #Doraemon #impersonator

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