A police officer who swallowed bribe money after being caught red-handed… a sensational incident in Baritabad

by time news


Anti-corruption officials caught a policeman red-handed in a cow theft case in Haryana state. But what happened next left the investigating officers stumped.

Someone has stolen the buffalo belonging to Shubnath from Paritabad. He has lodged a complaint in this regard at the police station. The police sub-inspector told him that if he wants to find the cow, he has to pay 10 thousand rupees. Shubnath, who initially paid Rs 6,000, filed a complaint with the Anti-Corruption Bureau before paying the remaining amount.

Then they planned to catch the sub-inspector red-handed. For this they sent Shubnath and gave him money. The sub-inspector was surrounded and caught while buying money. Not expecting this, the sub-inspector put the bribe money in his mouth and tried to swallow it. Anti-corruption officials tried to somehow get the money out of their mouths. But they couldn’t. Eventually they put him in a car and took him for questioning. In this regard, a video has been released and is going viral.

In the video, the police sub-inspector who had taken the bribe was caught trying to grab the money, and the sub-inspector was seen hurriedly swallowing the money. Authorities are struggling to recover the money. One of the officers puts his fingers in the sub-inspector’s mouth to recover the money. But the sub-inspector swallows the money without opening his mouth. Another person who intervened in the protest was stopped and thrown out by the authorities. The incident created a stir in the area.

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