ACIP Recommends Two Doses of Jynneos Vaccine for High-Risk Individuals

by time news

Title: Advisory Committee Recommends Two Doses of Jynneos Vaccine for High-Risk Individuals

Date: [Current Date]

The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) has unanimously voted to recommend that individuals at high risk of mpox infection receive two doses of the Jynneos vaccine. The independent panel of experts, which advises the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on vaccine decisions, made this recommendation on Wednesday.

According to CNN, the ACIP’s recommendation extends to men who have sex with men and other high-risk individuals, even after the recent public health emergency in the United States has passed. The CDC had previously recommended vaccination for high-risk individuals during the outbreak.

The ACIP’s decision now awaits final approval from CDC Director Dr. Mandy Cohen. If approved, more than 2 million people in the United States would be eligible for vaccination against mpox under the new recommendations.

The mpox outbreak in the 2022-2023 period affected over 31,000 Americans, resulting in 55 deaths, as per CDC data. It is important to note that the majority of those infected were gay men.

The CDC outlines that individuals at high risk include gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men, transgender and non-binary individuals who have recently been diagnosed with a sexually transmitted disease, those with multiple sexual partners, individuals who engage in sex at commercial sex venues or large public events in areas with mpox spread, sexual partners of high-risk individuals, and those planning to partake in any of these activities.

Currently, approximately 23% of the eligible population has received the recommended two doses of Jynneos. Bavarian Nordic, the manufacturer of the vaccine, is preparing for a commercial launch in the United States in the first half of 2024.

The recommendations put forth by the ACIP serve to protect high-risk individuals and prevent future outbreaks of mpox. The final decision from CDC Director Dr. Mandy Cohen is eagerly awaited, as it will determine the implementation of these crucial preventive measures.

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