Actor Ponomarenko expressed condolences over the death of Koklyushkin | News | News

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TV presenter, actor and comedian Valery Ponomarenko commented on the reports of the death of satirist Viktor Koklyushkin.

“He was a wonderful person, kind. He always told us, young people, what and how, ”Ponomarenko told RT.

The actor called Koklyushkin a great writer, playwright and satirist, who wrote “funny and relevant things, always in step with the times.”

The death of Viktor Koklyushkin became known on November 12. The satirist began his literary career in 1969 with the publication of humorous stories in the Club of 12 Chairs of the Literary Gazette. His works have appeared in other newspapers and magazines as well. Since 1980, he began to write for the stage, the TV channel “360” notes.

Koklyushkin also acted as a singer-songwriter, regularly took part in humorous television programs, writes REGNUM.

Comedian Mikhail Vashukov said that Koklyushkin wrote his humorous works based on life situations, and he was very good at highlighting the funniest nuances of life.

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