Actors want to bring photography closer to families

by time news

The Ouagadougou photographic biennale, Photosa, will be held from March 16 to 19, 2023 in Ouagadougou. Between training, caravan, and exhibitions in residential courtyards, the event aims to bring photography closer to families.

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Born in 2021 at the instigation of Burkinabe photographer Adrien Bitibaly and the Circle of Photographers of Burkina Faso, the Ouagadougou photographic biennial, Photosa, or taking photos in the San language, is taking its second meeting from March 16 to 19, 2023 in Ouagadougou.

For the occasion, 16 photographers from Mali, Senegal, France, Burkina Faso, etc. will see their works exhibited in the family courtyards and in the public space around the Wemtenga cinema and in the adjacent streets. It’s about bringing photography closer to families, to populations. Because, the families will participate in the organization of the exhibition and the opening according to Adrien Bitibaly, founder of the event.

Adrien Bitibaly, founder of Photosa

« PHOTOSA invites the public to appropriate the images on display and to question shared stories in order to break down the border that still separates Burkinabè citizens from art photography today..

By supporting each and everyone in their relationship to the photographic image, PHOTOSA promotes the appropriation of photography within Burkinabe homes themselves, through exhibitions, workshops, and series of conferences that interfere even in the spaces of dwellings, with the complicity of their occupants», he pointed out.

Photosa is also training that is offered to photographers, aspiring photographers or exhibition curators under the aegis of professionals in the field.

In this context, a mentoring program took place from February 20 to March 3 with promoter Adrien Bitibaly. The training is followed by a year of support in order to give the artists time to develop a project. Also, training on portraiture took place from March 6 to 10, 2023 with Antoine Tempé and training at the Exhibition Commissioner from March 8 to 14 with Florent Basiletti.

The opening of the Photosa 2023 biennial is scheduled for March 16, followed by a photographic caravan through the city of Ouagadougou. The first edition welcomed more than 600 people, the present edition promises to be even more ambitious and innovative.

Akim KY

Burkina 24



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