Actress assault case: Special prosecutor resigns | Actress Attack Case | Special Prosecutor

by time news

Kochi: The Special Prosecutor has resigned in the case of attacking the actress. Adv. VN Anilkumar resigned. The decision was announced in the Office of the Director General of Prosecutions. The resignation was in protest of the trial court proceedings. This is the second time the prosecutor has resigned in this case. Earlier, the prosecutor resigned in protest of the trial court’s decision.

Meanwhile, the police asked the court to stay the trial in the case. The trial was adjourned pending further investigation. The court will consider the police request on Thursday.

The prosecution had come forward demanding further investigation into the case. The demand was raised in the trial court. The demand comes in the wake of the revelation of actor’s former friend and director Balachandra Kumar that actor Dileep saw the footage of the attack on the actress. The director made the serious allegations in an interview with a private TV channel.

English Summary : Actress Assault case: Special Prosecutor resigns


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