ADEJEFF takes stock of 3 years of activities

by time news

2023-05-26 20:26:22


The association for the economic development of young people and women of Faso (ADEJEFF) took stock of its three years of activity. It was this Friday, May 26, 2023 in the town of Komsilga.

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The association for the economic development of young people and women of Faso (ADEJEFF) is a structure that grants microcredits. After three years of activity, it was time to take stock. Through the granting of microcredits, the ADEJFF participates in the financial and social development of its members.

The president of ADEJEFF, Yamnere Raoul Zoungrana, specified that the association has greatly supported the members in their development. “The association was able to support its members in the acquisition of 51 motorcycles. The loans granted within the association are without guarantees”, he indicated.

In addition to its credit-granting activities for its members, the association carried out charitable activities. “The organization of blood donations, the repair of the gate of the police station of Komsilga, the construction of toilets for the gendarmerie of Komsilga, the repair of the windows of the prefecture of Komsilga”, constituted among others the activities that the association carried out.

Yamnere Raoul Zoungrana, President of ADEJEFF

In view of the security and humanitarian context, the association has also made donations of food to the families of VDPs in the commune who are involved in the fight against terrorism. However, according to the president of the association, the organization is encountering difficulties that impact their initiatives. These include, among other things, the recovery of loans.

Regarding future actions, Yamnere Raoul Zoungrana noted that “ADEJEFF intends to support its members in the acquisition of certain goods, in particular mobile phones, rice and other consumer products that they can acquire with flexible payment terms”.

As a reminder, the Association for the economic development of young people and women of Faso (ADEJEFF) was created in 2020 to work for the economic development of young people and women through the granting of microcredits. It currently has more than 730 members.

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Burkina 24



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