Adoption of several draft texts, including that relating to the National Youth Policy

by time news

The Council of Ministers met yesterday, Thursday April 13, 2023, in the usual room for deliberations, under the chairmanship of His Excellency, Mr. MOHAMED BAZOUM, President of the Republic, President of the Council of Ministers. After reviewing the items on its agenda, the Board took the following decisions:


The Council of Ministers examined and adopted the draft decree amending decree n° 2022-375/PRN of April 27, 2022, on the creation, missions, organization and functioning of the Niger Population Office (ONP).

The Niger Population Office (ONP) is a mission administration responsible for controlling population growth and capturing the demographic dividend. It is administered by an Orientation Council (deliberative body) and a General Management (executive body). After a year of operation, it became necessary to revise the composition of the orientation council. The purpose of this draft decree is thus to expand the composition of the Orientation Council to extend it to certain institutions concerned with population issues as well as to other institutions and bodies working in the field.


The Council of Ministers examined and adopted the draft texts below:

2.1. Bill authorizing the ratification of the Additional Protocol establishing the Climate Commission for the Sahel Region (CCRS), adopted on February 17, 2023 in Addis Ababa (Ethiopia).

The Climate Commission for the Sahel Region aims to promote the implementation of initiatives and actions to provide sustainable responses to the effects of climate change in the Sahel Region. It has an Executive Secretariat whose headquarters are located in Niamey. The Additional Protocol which is the subject of this bill falls into the category of instruments whose ratification is subject to the prior adoption of an authorizing law in accordance with the provisions of Article 169 of the Constitution of November 25, 2010.

2.2. Draft law authorizing the ratification of the Convention establishing the Sahel Climate Fund, adopted on February 17, 2023 in Addis Ababa (Ethiopia).

The Sahel Climate Fund aims to mobilize the necessary resources from contributors and investors with a view to financing the implementation of programs and projects contributing to sustainable development and the fight against climate change. The Convention that is the subject of this bill falls into the category of instruments whose ratification is subject to the prior adoption of an authorizing law in accordance with the provisions of article 169 of the Constitution of 25 November 2010. These two ( 2) draft laws will be transmitted to the National Assembly.


The Council of Ministers examined and adopted the draft texts below:

3.1. Draft decree establishing a Public Establishment of a scientific, cultural and technical nature, called “National School of Public Health of Tahoua”, abbreviated: ENSP/TA.

The National School of Public Health of Tahoua created by this draft decree has the following missions in particular:

– the training of middle and senior managers in Public Health and Social Action;

– further training for middle and senior managers in Public Health and Social Action;

– applied research in Public Health and Social Action.

This draft decree is drawn up in accordance with the provisions of law n° 2020-020 bis of 03 June 2020, setting the rules for the creation of categories of public establishments and decree n° 2021-924/PRN/MF of 1is November 2021, setting the supervision, organization, control and operating methods of public establishments.

3.2. Draft decree approving the statutes of the National School of Public Health of Tahoua, (ENSP/TA).

The purpose of this draft decree is to determine the rules of organization and operation of the Tahoua ENSP. It is issued in accordance with the provisions of Decree No. 2021-924/PRN/MF of 1is November 2021, setting the supervision, organization, control and operating methods of public establishments.


The Council of Ministers examined and adopted the draft texts below:

4.1. Draft decree establishing a Public Establishment of a scientific, cultural and technical nature, called “Institute for Training in Literacy and Non-Formal Education”, abbreviated: IFAENF.

4.2. Draft decree approving the statutes of the Training Institute in Literacy and Non-Formal Education (IFAENF).

The Institute of Training in Literacy and Non-Formal Education (IFAENF) is a Public Establishment of a Scientific, Cultural and Technical nature. Its mission is to ensure:

– the initial and continuing training of national and foreign literacy and non-formal education managers;

– applied research in the field of literacy and non-formal education;

– à la carte training for the benefit of actors in literacy and non-formal education under the responsibility of the State, public and private organizations and other countries.

The purpose of the two draft decrees is to bring the texts establishing, organizing and operating the Institute for Training in Literacy and Non-Formal Education (IFAENF) into compliance with the provisions of Law No. 2020-020bis of June 03, 2020, laying down the rules for creating categories of public establishments and its implementing decree.


The Council of Ministers examined and adopted the Draft Decree adopting the National Youth Policy.

This National Youth Policy (PNJ) is part of a dynamic that underpins and directs political action towards an ideal of a healthy, peaceful, united and responsible Nigerien youth. A youth rich in its diversity, open to the world, attached to knowledge and innovation and working as an essential pillar of the economic, social and cultural development of Niger. To contribute to the achievement of the above objectives, the National Youth Policy aims to produce the following direct and strategic effects:

– strengthening the political participation and civic and civic engagement of young people;

– the development and enhancement of the human capital of young people in the spheres of economic development in Niger;

– improving the social protection of young people;

– strengthening the institutional framework for young people.


The Council of Ministers has adopted the following individual measure:


– Mr. Arma Yaou Maman, Administrative Director, Mle 87061/P, is appointed Director of Refugees, replacing Harou Abdoul Salam called to other functions.


The Council of Ministers heard several communications:

A communication from the Minister of State, Minister of Energy and Renewable Energies relating to a public contract for rural electrification by decentralized solar means for the construction of three (03) solar power plants in the regions of Dosso and Tahoua.

The project will eventually provide electricity to approximately 17,500 households and will affect 122,500 people and create 2,000 income-generating activities through the following two lots:

Lot 1: for 4.68 MWc, for the benefit of 12 villages in the Dosso region (Goubaoua Kare, Loma, Yarourou, Bangarassa, Nassarawa, Tombo, Monterrey, Kamrey, Karki, Dogon Tapki, Bawada Dagi and Goubey);

Lot 2: for 4.83 MWc, for the benefit of 13 villages in the Tahoua region (Barmou, Kohelelane, Albraka, Garin Ayaché, Ikakan, Afagar, Anakar, Azza, Ingoye, Toukoukout, Toudou Souya, Dole and Tigar).

a communication from the Minister of Public Health, Population and Social Affairs relating to the purchase of Anti Retro Virals for the benefit of the National Program for the Fight against AIDS.

two (2) communications from the Minister of Equipment:

the first communication relates to a contract for the control and supervision of the development and asphalting works of the Tamaské-Tahoua and Tamaské-Mararraba roads, 65 km long.

the second communication relates to the multi-year rehabilitation and maintenance works contract for the trans-Saharan corridor (RN 11 North) between Agadez and Zinder, lot 2: rehabilitation: Tiguidit-boundary Agadez/Zinder regions 171 km long.

– a communication from the Minister of National Education relating to the market for the acquisition of educational resources (works for the benefit of CAPEDs and UPs of the Ministry of National Education.

These five (5) communications are made for information purposes, in accordance with the provisions of Order No. 018/PM/ARCOP of January 18, 2023, setting the thresholds in the context of public procurement which provides in its article 13 that: “Any public purchase whose amount is equal to or greater than three hundred million (300,000,000) CFA francs excluding value added tax must be the subject of a prior communication to the Council of Ministers on the part of the Minister in charge of the sector concerned”.

a communication from the Minister of Youth and Sport relating to the participation of Niger in the 39th CONFEJES Ministerial Session in Brazzaville, Republic of Congo.

This session allowed our country to record the following results:

– the election of Niger as a member of the new office of CONFEJES;

– the elevation to the rank of Knight of the International Order of CONFEJES of two Nigerien external experts, namely Messrs. Amos Isaac and Yazi Oumarou;

– the encouragement prize in the international competition for young best entrepreneurs won by our compatriot Zeinabou Moumouni with his company called “KILICHI-CHIPS”;

– the reappointment of our compatriot Mr. Abdoul Rachid Abdoul Baki, to the position of EPS/SPORT Director at the General Secretariat of CONFEJES for a term of three (3) years.

The agenda being exhausted, His Excellency the President of the Republic closed the meeting.

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