Adv. Hadad in the cross-examination of Hadas Klein: breach of fiduciary duty to her employers

by time news


In the Jerusalem District Court, the cross-examination of Hadas Klein, the first prosecution witness in the 1000 case, continues.

At this point, defense attorney Adv. Amit Haddad argues against the admissibility of the documents transferred by Klein, Milchen and Packer’s personal assistant. During the covert investigation, Klein passed invoices indicating the extent of Milchen and Packer’s purchase of cigars and champagne to the Netanyahu family, as well as documents from the companies that supplied the cigars and champagne.

According to Adv. Haddad, Klein handed over the documents to police investigators in violation of her fiduciary duty towards her employers and while presenting a false representation towards them (according to her for fear of disrupting an investigation).

Haddad claims that it was a matter of receiving anything fraudulently under aggravated circumstances. He said the witness, Hadas Klein, was instructed to take the documents from her employers’ bookkeeping without revealing to them the real reason for taking the documents. “Either the witness did so on her own initiative or was instructed by the police. The documents are being handed over in a dark parking lot. Documents obtained with the offense of receiving anything fraudulently. She owes a fiduciary duty to her employers.”

The judges rejected Haddad’s request to discuss the admissibility of the documents handed over to the police. According to the judges, before Packer and Milchen testified in order to hear whether the documents were transferred against their will and in violation of the fiduciary duty of its employers.

Klein returned to testify.

*** Presumption of innocence: It should be emphasized that Benjamin Netanyahu is only a defendant, has not been convicted of an offense, and has the presumption of innocence.

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