After 133 years: The Eiffel Tower has undergone a significant change Watch

by time news

The famous Eiffel Tower, located in Paris, the capital of France, was built by Gustave Eiffel in the late 19th century. This morning (Tuesday, March 15), after 133 years of being exactly as it was built, a DAB (digital audio) antenna was placed on its head that raised the tower to less than six meters. Watch the placement of the broadcast antenna on the top of the Eiffel Tower:

The Eiffel Tower rises six meters in ten minutes (Photo: Reuters)

The documentation of the incident, published by the Reuters news agency, shows the moment a helicopter swung the antenna in question and placed it on top of the tower. Now, after the antenna has been installed, the most popular tourist site in the country has risen to a height of 330 meters – but why was it even necessary to raise it?

Apart from being a tourist icon, the Eiffel Tower has also been used for television and radio broadcasts for the past 100 years. From time to time, according to the channel upgrade and the wear of the antennas that have been installed in the past, those responsible for the transmission replace the existing antenna with a new one. The exciting exchange on the head of the tourist site lasted less than ten minutes, which were broadcast live to French citizens.

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