Agreement to free hostages and prisoners must pave the way for further releases and a sustained ceasefire

by time news

2023-11-22 21:25:10
Ashraf Amra/Anadolu via Getty Images

In response to the news that An agreement has been reached to release at least 50 hostages (mostly Israeli women and children) in exchange for the release of 150 Palestinian detainees (many of them children)and to dictate a humanitarian pause initial four days of fighting between Israeli forces on the one hand and Hamas and other armed groups on the other in the Gaza Strip, Agnès Callamard, Secretary General of Amnesty International, said:

“The news that at least 50 people held hostage by Hamas and other armed groups and 150 Palestinians detained in Israeli jails are to be released It will be a great relief for all the people concerned and their families. However, Much more is needed to address the suffering and injustice that is being experienced”.

“Although the terrible ordeal of the people taken hostage who are to be freed will come to an end, their trauma will be lasting. We reiterate our call for All armed groups immediately release all other civilians who continue to be held hostage in Gaza. The release of Palestinian detainees should not be a prerequisite for the release of hostages.Hostage taking is a war crimeand those responsible for kidnapping civilians and depriving them of their liberty must be held accountable.”

We also call on the Israeli authorities to release all illegally detained Palestinians., including those who remain held without charge or trial in administrative detention. Among those expected to be released are minors — the youngest being 14 years old — many of whom are detained but have not yet been found guilty. “Israel must fulfill its obligation to release arbitrarily detained Palestinians at all times.”

“In recent weeks, research carried out by Amnesty has revealed an alarming deterioration in the conditions of Palestinian detainees, including punitive torture and humiliation against them, an increase in the use of administrative detention and imposition of abusive ’emergency’ measures in prisons that facilitate the cruel and inhuman treatment of people deprived of liberty. Arbitrary detention and torture and other ill-treatment are war crimes when committed against protected persons in occupied territory.”

“The four-day humanitarian pause will bring a brief respite to more than two million civilians who have endured the cruel daily attacks launched by Israel in the occupied Gaza Strip. However, stopping the fighting for a few days falls far short of addressing the catastrophic suffering or alleviating the atrocious harm caused to civilians.”

“We ask all those involved in negotiating this first pause, the Israeli authorities and Hamas and the other armed groups to do absolutely everything in their power and influence to ensure that this humanitarian pause is expanded into a sustained ceasefire. Humanity must prevail. All of it, not just a little.

Humanity must prevail. All of it, not just a little.

Agnès Callamard, Secretary General of Amnesty International

“So far, the cruel Israeli bombings have brought massive bloodshed and suffering to millions of people, and their intensity and the magnitude of the devastation and suffering caused have been unprecedented.

More than 14,000 people, including 5,500 children, have died in Gaza. More than 1,200 people were killed during horrific attacks launched by Hamas and other armed groups against Israel on October 7. “Israel’s escalating siege has also deprived a population in desperate need of water, food, medical supplies and fuel, in what constitutes a deliberate act of cruelty intended as collective punishment against the civilian population of Gaza.”

Amnesty reiterates its call for a declaration meaningful and effective ceasefire that covers the entire Gaza Strip and lasts long enough to allow substantial relief of suffering; that is based on the free and safe movement of the civilian population and humanitarian aid personnel throughout the Strip; that allows the recovery, burying and mourning of those who have died, the care and adequate treatment of injured people, the repair of hospitals and medical centers and the receipt of essential materials.

Amnesty also reiterates its demand that access to the Gaza Strip be allowed to independent observerssuch as the staff of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Occupied Palestinian Territory and Israel, the special rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, the International Criminal Court and human rights organizations such as Amnesty International to carry out investigations into the situation on the ground, including illegal air and ground attacks and other violations of international humanitarian law committed by all parties.

Here You will find Amnesty’s statement on what a ceasefire should include.

Additional information

According to the agreement reached, at least 50 Israeli women and children taken hostage will be freed during a humanitarian pause in the fighting that will last four days. For every 10 additional hostages released, the ceasefire will be extended by one day.

The agreement on hostages and prisoners could include 50 more hostages and up to 300 detained Palestinians whose names were published by the Israeli Ministry of Justice. Information published by the media indicates that the pause could be extended to a maximum of 10 days.

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