Akshay Kumar | ‘Much about the invaders in the textbooks; A little about kings’ – Akshay Kumar

by time news
Image: ANI, Twitter

Image: ANI, Twitter

Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar says that the country’s textbooks contain a lot of information about the invaders but very little about the Indian Kings of that time. The actor was quoted as saying in an interview with ANI, the national news agency, as part of the promotion of Prithviraj’s film, which tells the story of Prithviraj Chauhan, the prince of India.

‘Unfortunately, our history textbooks contain only one or two sentences about Samrat Prithviraj Chauhan. But there is a lot to be said about those who invaded the country. There is no one in our books to write about this. I would like to bring this matter to the notice of the Minister of Education. It is not necessary to study or know about the Mughal emperors but to study and know about the other kings who ruled India while studying about them. They too were great. ‘- Akshay Kumar said.

The actor also thanked Prime Minister Narendra Modi for making Indian cinema world class. ‘I thank the Prime Minister for making India a global focus. He has changed the situation in the country. ” – Akshay Kumar said.

Meanwhile, Akshay Kumar’s remarks have sparked controversy and many have taken to Twitter to criticize him. Someone joked that there was a chapter about Prithviraj Chauhan in the seventh grade NCERT history textbook and that ‘Canadian’ Kumar must have fallen asleep while teaching. Another noted that Akshay Kumar had never gone to school or studied NCERT textbooks and that he could have gone on to teach at RSS branches.

Published by:Naveen

First published:June 01, 2022, 7:46 PM IST

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