Al-Shehri reveals healthy foods that preceded “dusterlimab” in the treatment of cancer • Al-Marsad Newspaper

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Al-Marsad newspaper: The family doctor, Dr. Saud Al-Shehri, revealed healthy foods that cured cancer before discovering the drug “dusterlimab”.

Al-Shehri said, in a video he posted on his Twitter account, “Dusterlimab is a new drug that was discovered to treat colon cancer, and it was used for breast cancer and then used for endometrial cancer.”

And he continued, “Dusterlimab makes the T cell see the cancer cell and eliminate it, so what happens is the strength of the immune system.”

Al-Shehri urged eating healthy food and exercising, noting: “The bad association that causes cancer is caused by obesity, and the increase in estrogen in the body causes this thing.”

Regarding healthy foods that treated cancer before the discovery of dusterlimab, Al-Shehri explained: “Healthy food brings down this thing scientifically, and green tea protects against cancer, and vitamin B6 found in eggs, spinach and salmon brings down this cancerous link.”

He continued, “Vitamin A, which is found in spinach, eggs and carrots, scientifically prevents cancer,” adding: “Vitamin C in kiwis, oranges, iron, zinc, selenium, turmeric, vegetables and coffee.”

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