Alert: A military unit in Libya to counter Russia in Africa 🚨🇱🇾🇷🇺 – 2024-05-04 20:31:54

by times news cr

2024-05-04 20:31:54

A new geostrategic situation is taking shape in Africa, and Cameroon cannot remain indifferent. According to high-level diplomatic sources, a special military unit is about to be deployed to Libya, with the main mission of countering Russia‘s growing influence on the African continent.

Paris, epicenter of diplomatic negotiations

It is in Paris that the next stage of this diplomatic and military standoff will be played out. A high-level meeting is planned in the coming days between British, American and Italian officials, under the leadership of Paul Soler, the French special envoy to Libya. At the heart of the discussions: the creation of this special military unit, already nicknamed the “Libyan Corps” by some local journalists.

According to our sources, this force would be made up of hand-picked Western soldiers, but also of Libyan fighters trained and equipped by Western powers. Their mission: to stem the rise of Russia’s power in Libya, which serves as a bridgehead for Moscow to extend its influence across the continent.

Libya, playground of foreign powers

Because Libya has become, over the years, the favorite playground of foreign powers in Africa. Since the fall of Muammar Gaddafi in 2011, the country has been plunged into chaos, torn between rival factions and armed militias. A fertile ground for external interference, where Russians, Turks, Emiratis and Westerners wage a merciless war for influence.

Moscow, in particular, was able to do well by providing massive military and financial support to Marshal Khalifa Haftar, the strong man of eastern Libya. A profitable strategy, which allowed Russia to gain a foothold in North Africa, and to position itself as a key player on the African scene.

What consequences for Cameroon and Africa?

But this rise in power of Russia in Africa is not without consequences for the countries of the continent, starting with Cameroon. Our country, due to its strategic position in Central Africa and its natural resources, could well also find itself in the sights of Russian ambitions.

Especially since Moscow has already demonstrated, in the past, its ability to forge links with certain African regimes, notably through its famous “military advisors” and its arms deliveries. An influence that the West now seems determined to stem, even if it means also playing the military card in Libya.

It remains to be seen whether this strategy will pay off, and above all, whether it does not risk further inflaming tensions in an already highly unstable region. One thing is certain: Africa is becoming the new playground of the great powers, and Cameroon would be well advised to closely monitor these developments. Because in this great geopolitical game, our security and our sovereignty are at stake.

By Alain Kamdem for

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