Alex Fernández does not want the ghost of Vicente Fernández to appear to him no matter how much he misses him

by times news cr

2024-04-26 09:23:18

Alex Fernandez -30 years old- expressed that, despite missing his grandfather very much, he does not want him to appear. ghost of Vicente Fernández.

And in days gone by his grandmother Mrs. Cuquita -77 years old- revealed that he felt the presence of the singer.

Assuring that his spirit visits the Rancho de los Tres Potrillos, something she is sure of every time her dogs bark during the early hours of the morning.

There are even more family members who have come to express these types of paranormal experiences with the ghost of Vicente Fernández.

However, singer Alex Fernández also stated that he would like the experiences with his grandfather’s spirit to remain on the sidelines.

Alex Fernandez (@alexfernandez.g)

Alex Fernández does not want the ghost of Vicente Fernández to appear to him

Alex Fernandez He stated that, contrary to other family members, he has not had paranormal experiences with Vicente Fernández.

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However, the singer admitted that he has managed to dreams in which he feels that his grandfather is trying to tell him something.

Even so, he declared that he would not like to have paranormal encounters with the ghost of Vicente Fernández.

Vicente Fernandez

Vicente Fernandez (Photo: Facebook)

Alex Fernández has other ways of seeing Vicente Fernández other than as a ghost

Although Alex Fernández made it clear that he does not want to have dealings with the ghost of Vicente Fernandezhe mentioned that other ways his grandfather becomes presente.

And from what the singer commented, there are many traits of his grandfather that he sees reflected in his own daughter.

Assuring that the little girl has many gestures and manners What are they identical to those of Vicente Fernández.

Something that has impacted him and other family members, especially because the little girl never got to see the singer.

However, Alex Fernández believes that they are things that are inherited through genetics. Being another way in which Vicente Fernández continues to be part of his life.

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2024-04-26 09:23:18

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